_Why_ part is explained nicely in @ciao's answer. This post deals with the part:

> _I want to detect whether this list has repeated element a,a or b,b_

You can get what you expected to get from `Cases[...]` using the new-in-v-10 function `SequenceCases`:

> {{b, b}, {a, a}}

Or, define a `Boolean` function that returns `True` when the input list contains repeated elements:

    containsRepeatedQ = SequenceCases[#,{Repeated[x_,{#2}]}] != {}&;

    containsRepeatedQ[{a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b}, 2]
> False

    containsRepeatedQ[{a,b,a,b,a,b,a,a,b}, 2]
> True