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revised for improvement per comments
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Here's what I have been using.

Any improvements / comments are welcome.

(* this opens a notebook file and if notebook exists it CLEARS the contents as well  *)
OpenNB[fname_] := Module[{dir, fns, nb},
   dir = NotebookDirectory[];
   fns = FileNames[FileNameJoin[{dir, fname}]];
   If[fns === {}, (
     nb = CreateNotebook[];
     NotebookSave[nb, FileNameJoin[{dir, fname}]];
     ), (
     nb = NotebookOpen[fns[[1]]];
     SelectionMove[nb, All, Notebook];

(* this works for a sequence of arguments, like Print[] *)
PrintNB[nb_, args__] := Module[{boxes}, (
    If[nb === null, (
       ), (
       boxes = ToBoxes /@ List[args];
       NotebookWrite[nb, Cell[BoxData[  RowBox[boxes]], "Print"]];

PrintNBPageBreak[nb_] := Module[{}, (
    NotebookWrite[nb, Cell["", "PageBreak"]];

Here is example usage

logNB = OpenNB["ouputlog.nb"];
PrintNB[logNB, "Execution Log for: ", NotebookFileName[]];
PrintNB[logNB, "Started at: ", DateString[]];

f[r] = r^\[Gamma]*Exp[-\[Kappa] r];
PrintNB[logNB, "f(r) = ", f[r]]; 

Here is the output

enter image description here

Note that is you use null for the notebook argument, the output will be printed to the current executing notebook (just like Print[]).

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