This is all covered in the built-in documentation.  Search for MaTeX in Mathematica's documentation centre, or type in the following address: `MaTeX/guide/MaTeX`.  But I will give some examples here anyway:

How to set a given font is really a LaTeX question.  You will find many fonts samples with instructions on how to use them at [The LaTeX Font Catalogue][1].  Usually, you need to add a package to the preamble.  For example, to use Utopia Regular with Fourier math, 

    MaTeX["\\text{If $x=2$ then $x^2=4$.}", 
     "Preamble" -> {"\\usepackage{fourier}"}, Magnification -> 4]

![Mathematica graphics](

This is covered under the examples for the `"Preamble"` option in the `MaTeX` doc page, as well as in the Typesetting with MaTeX tutorial.

To use XeTeX, you need to configure MaTeX to use the appropriate executable.  This is covered in the `ConfigureMaTeX` documentation page.  I will copy the example from that page here:

    ConfigureMaTeX["pdfLaTeX" -> "/Library/TeX/texbin/xelatex"]

    MaTeX["\\text{Beautiful typesetting}",
     "Preamble" -> {"\\usepackage{fontspec}", "\\setmainfont{Zapfino}"},
     FontSize -> 24

![Mathematica graphics](

Of course, the path to the `xelatex` executable will be specific to your system.  

Remember that `ConfigureMaTeX` will change the configuration permanently.  Restarting Mathematica will not reset it.  If you need to change back to plain LaTeX, you must do it manually.

[With XeLaTeX you can use any installed system font.][2] This is generally useful for text mode only. To use a system font in math mode, you need a font with special math support, such as Cambria Math.  Here's an example:

    MaTeX["\\text{Foo $x^2$ bar}",
     "Preamble" -> {"\\usepackage{fontspec,unicode-math}", 
       "\\setmainfont{Cambria}", "\\setmathfont{Cambria Math}"},
     Magnification -> 4

![Mathematica graphics](

I am not experienced with Unicode math fonts. If you have more questions about them, I suggest asking on [TeX.SE][3].
