I am trying to find the numbers $a, b, c, d $, here $ a,b,c,d \in [-15, 15] $ and $ a, b, c, d \in \mathbb{Z} $ and different from $ 0 $ so that the equation $ \left| x^2 + a x + b \right| = c x + d $ has four distinct integeral solutions different from $ 0 $. I tried
ClearAll[a, b, c, d];
sol = x /. Solve[{Abs[x^2 + a x + b] == c x + d} , x, Reals];
(f[{a_, b_, c_, d_}] :=
Quiet@Check[And @@ (IntegerQ /@ #), False]) &[sol]
poss = Select[
15], {4}], #[[1]] #[[2]] #[[3]] #[[4]] !=
0 && #[[1]]^2 - 4 #[[2]] > 0 && #[[2]]^2 - #[[4]]^2 != 0 &&
f[#] &];
Take[poss, Length[poss]];
With[{s = sol},
getSolution[poss_] := Block[{a, b, c, d}, {a, b, c, d} = poss;
Join[poss, s]]]
getSolution /@ poss
and got 426 solutions. But the time is about 15 minutes. How can I reduce the time?