1) download and install Python: https://www.python.org/ 2) in the Command Prompt (Admin): `pip install jupyter` 3) download https://github.com/WolframResearch/WolframLanguageForJupyter (Clone or download -> Download ZIP) 4) extract archive and copy folder `WolframLanguageForJupyter` to `%AppData%\WolframEngine\Applications` 5) in the Command Prompt: `wolframscript` Then: Get["WolframLanguageForJupyter\\WolframLanguageForJupyter.m"] ConfigureJupyter["Add"] That's all! Now in the Command Prompt: `jupyter notebook` This will launch a web browser. Select `New -> Wolfram Language` [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/NGWtv.png