Can users modify the default format of [colors][1] in the front end? `Red` [![enter image description here][2]][2] For example, dimensions, aspect ratio, EdgeForm? The motivation is the functional convenience in data visualization application especially when combined w/ Row, Column etc as in this graphic fragment: [![enter image description here][3]][3] Here would like to compress the horizontal bar, eg `Table[Red, {5}] // Row` by changing `AspectRatio` from squares to thin rectangles, and decrease the thickness of `EdgeForm`. **EDIT** Given ds = {Red, Blue} Would like to achieve something like this but on the box form rather than `Graphics`, to avoid scaling and padding problems when interacting with `Row` and `Column` rectangleForm[w_, h_][c_] := Graphics[{c, Rectangle[RoundingRadius -> 1/5]}, AspectRatio -> (h/w), ImageSize -> {w, h}]; Then ds // Query[{Map[rectangleForm[10, 20]] /* Row, Map[rectangleForm[20, 10]] /* Row, Map[rectangleForm[20, 10]] /* Column}] [![enter image description here][4]][4] Note the unwanted spacing in the last pais using `Column`. Maybe this can be remedied by use of `ImagePadding` or related, but this takes effort to coordinate. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: