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What you observed seems to be an instance of the general behavior of the pattern-matcher when used with what I call "syntactic patterns" - patterns which only reflect the rigid structure of an expression, like e.g. _f. The speed-up with respect to the scanning is because the main evaluation loop is avoided - for FreeQ and MemberQ, the scannng is done all inside the pattern-matcher, which is lower-level compared to the main evaluator.

In this answer, and also here, there are some examples of this behavior, and further discussion. I think that a good rule of thumb is that you gain an orderor an order and a half of magnitude speed-up by clever use of syntactic patterns in place of top-level scanning code (pushing all work into the pattern-matcher), and you gain 2-3 orders of magnitude speed-up if you manage to recast the problem as a vectorized numerical problem on packed arrays.

Leonid Shifrin
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