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Plot needed Dynamic@ prepended to adjust properly.
Nicholas G
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Pursuant to jjc385's comment, the ideal answer is

DynamicModule[{tab = 2}, TabView[{ "Variables" -> TabView[{"A" -> TableForm@{{"a=", SetterBar[Dynamic[a], Range@3]}, {"b=", SetterBar[Dynamic[b], {0 -> "zero", 1, 2}]}, {"c=", SetterBar[Dynamic[c], {0, .5, 1}]}} , "B" -> "Nothing here."}] , "Graph" -> Dynamic@Plot[Sin[a x + b] + c, {x, 0, 2 Pi}] }, Dynamic[tab]] ]

which is a little different than the prior code which produced

enter image description here.

Now, the user can change several variables and the display only switches to the graph when the user tabs to it. Thanks!

Nicholas G
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