ContourPlot finds three solutions ContourPlot[y - y^3 + 3*y*x^2 == 0, {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},FrameLabel -> {x, y}] [![enter image description here][1]][1] one of them is the solution you are looking for! select the "right" curve: cond = Reduce[ y - y^3 + 3*y*x^2 == 0, y] /. Or -> List (*{y == 0, y == -Sqrt[1 + 3 x^2], y == Sqrt[1 + 3 x^2]} *) cond /. {x -> 0, y -> 0} (*{True, False, False}*) `y == 0` is the solution! [1]: