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What's the syntax to compile these functions, whose arguments are nested lists?

In some case the Compile's syntax is quite straightforward. Es. for rank 1 e rank 2 tensors:

cf = Compile[
   {{x, _Real, 1}}
   , Total[x]


cf = Compile[
   {{x, _Real, 2}}
   , Inverse[x] (*Inverse isn't compileable: here is used merely as signpost*)


Or, even,

cf = Compile[
   {{x, _Real, 2}, {y, _Real, 2}}
   , Det[x] + Det[y] (*Det isn't compileable: here is used merely as signpost*)
cf[matrixA, matrixB]

But what if the arguments are intricated ? What is the syntax needed ?

A workaround to circumvent this question was proposed here : Not the most elegant but could you flatten and join and then "unflatten" and separate afterwards ?

Please, can you give examples for a function having as argument (all atomic expression are understood Real):

  • a matrix of lists
  • a matrix of matrices
  • a matrix whose element are {x_Real , a matrix }
  • a matrix whose element are {x_List , a matrix }
  • etc.


This question has been put on hold, but in IMHO the answer given below (see Jokeur), clarifying what is possible and what is not, fully dissolves the doubt.

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