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You can also use MeshFunctions:

  Plot[{Cos[x], x Sin[x]}, {x, -3 Pi, 3 Pi}, 
     MeshFunctions -> {(Cos[#] - # Sin[#]) &}, Mesh -> {{0}}, 
     MeshStyle -> Directive[Red, PointSize[Large]]]

plot of Cos[x] and x Sin[x]

Update: Dealing with Tan[x] using Exclusions

  Plot[{Tan[x], x Sin[x]}, {x, -3 Pi, 3 Pi}, 
   MeshFunctions -> {(Tan[#] - # Sin[#]) &}, Mesh -> {{0}}, 
   MeshStyle -> Directive[Red, PointSize[Large]], 
   Exclusions -> Range[-5 Pi/2, 5 Pi/2, Pi]]
   (* or Exclusions -> (Cos[x] == 0) *)

plot of Tan[x] and x Sin[x]

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