I wish to numerically solve the following PDE. Although there are some complete discussions for solving PDEs in tutorial/NDSolvePDE, there is no hint for the nonlinear case by discretization. Thus, I will be thankful to receive some helps on the following NPDE where $x \in [0,1]$, $t \in [0,2]$,
M=8; NN=8; m = M - 1; n = NN - 1; alpha = 5.;
beta = 4.; c = 0.05; T = 2.; h = (1. - 0.)/M;
k =T/NN
The problem is Subscript[u, t] + u Subscript[u, x] = c Subscript[u, xx]
with initial condition
Subscript[u, x, 0] = (2. c beta Pi Sin[Pi Subscript[x, i]])
/ (alpha + beta Cos[Pi Subscript[x, i]])
and boundary condition
Subscript[u, 0, t] = 0; Subscript[u, 1, t] = 0;
I tried the backward finite difference (FD) for Subscript[u, t]
and the central FD for the others. I wrote the following code, but I think there are some gaps in it. Because, the approximate solutions do not match the exact one
u[x_, t_] := (2 c beta Pi Exp[-c Pi^2 t] Sin[Pi x])
/ (alpha + beta Exp[-c Pi^2 t] Cos[Pi x]);
Note that Subscript[w,i,j]
stands for the approximation in the grid point $(x_i,t_j)$.
M = 8; NN = 8; m = M - 1;
n = NN - 1; alpha = 5.;
beta = 4.; c = 0.05;
T = 2.; h = (1. - 0.)/M;
k =T/NN;
(*Defining the Grid points*)
Table[Subscript[x, i] = 0 + i h, {i, 0, M}];
Table[Subscript[t, j] = 0 + j k, {j, 0, NN}];
(*Defining the Initial Conditions*)
For[i = 1, i <= m, i++,
Subscript[w, i, 0] = (2. c beta Pi Sin[Pi Subscript[x, i]])
/ (alpha + beta Cos[Pi Subscript[x, i]])
(*Defining the Boundary Conditions*)
For[j = 1, j <= n, j++,
Subscript[w, 0, j] = 0
For[j = 1, j <= n, j++,
Subscript[w, 1, j] = 0
(*Defining the nonlinear equations due to discretization*)
For[i = 1, i <= m, i++,
For[j = 1, j <= n, j++,
f[i, j] = Subscript[w, i, j]
+ (k/(2 h)) Subscript[w, i, j] (Subscript[w, i + 1, j] - Subscript[w, i - 1, j])
- (c k/(h^2)) (Subscript[w, i + 1, j] - 2 Subscript[w, i, j]
+ Subscript[w, i - 1, j])
- Subscript[w,i, j - 1]
F = Flatten[Table[f[i, j], {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, n}]];
F // MatrixForm;
Vec = Flatten[Table[Subscript[w, i, j], {i, 2, M}, {j, 1, n}]];
(*Finding the solutions*)
Sol = Part[NSolve[F, Vec, Reals], 1]
Any suggestion is appreciated. In fact, what would be the final nonlinear system of equations resulting of discretization?