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Just remove the undesirable equations and variables:

diffFormula = (T[i + 1, k] - 2 T[i, k] + T[i - 1, k])/x^2 + 
              (T[i, k + 1] - 2 T[i, k] + T[i, k - 1])/y^2 == 0;

NP = 5;(*number of grid points*)
x = y = 0.05;
Table[T[0, k] = 325., {k, 0, NP}];
Table[T[i, NP] = 325., {i, 0, NP}];
Table[T[i, 0] = 325., {i, 0, NP}];
Table[T[NP, k] = 325., {k, 0, NP}];

inner = {T[2, 2], T[2, 3], T[3, 2], T[3, 3]};

eq = Flatten[Table[diffFormula, {i, 1, NP - 1}, {k, 1, NP - 1}]];
selectedeq = Select[eq, Count[#, Alternatives @@ inner, Infinity] < 2 &];

var = Flatten[Table[T[i, k], {i, 1, NP - 1}, {k, 1, NP - 1}]];
selectedvar = Complement[var, inner];

(# = 400) & /@ inner;

solution = Flatten@Solve[selectedeq, selectedvar];
s = Table[T[i, k], {k, 0, NP}, {i, 0, NP}] /. solution;


enter image description here

BTW, though the region you're dealing with is luckily simple, handling irregular region with FDM can be really frustrating. This post is an example. If FDM isn't necessary for you, have a look at the FEM capabilities of NDSolve new added in v10.

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