<https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/222410/73364> I have obtained the following code from the above link. But it is not working well with my situation. Can anyone help me out? SumHeld /: SyntaxInformation[ SumHeld] = {"LocalVariables" -> {"Table", {2, Infinity}}}; IndexUnify[HoldPattern@Plus[sums : SumHeld[_, __] ..]] := Plus @@ With[{targetIndices = List @@ #[[-1, 2 ;;, 1]], sourceIndicesList = List @@@ #[[;; , 2 ;;, 1]]}, Function[{sum, sourceIndices}, sum /. Thread[ sourceIndices -> Take[targetIndices, Length@sourceIndices]]] @@@ Transpose@{#, sourceIndicesList}] &@ SortBy[Flatten /@ {sums}, Length] SumTogether[HoldPattern@Plus[sums : SumHeld[_, sameRanges__] ..]] := SumHeld[Plus @@ {sums}[[;; , 1]], sameRanges] SumTogether[HoldPattern@Plus[sums : SumHeld[_, __] ..]] /; UnsameQ @@ {sums}[[;; , 2 ;;]] := Plus @@ SumTogether@*Plus @@@ GatherBy[{sums}, Rest] Here please see the below test case. test = SumHeld[f[a, i], {a, 1, 5}, {i, 1, 5}] + SumHeld[SumHeld[2*f[b, j], {b, 1, 5}], {j, 1, 5}] + SumHeld[SumHeld[2*f[c, j], {c, 1, 5}], {j, 1, 5}] % // IndexUnify % // SumTogether The output I am receiving is $$\text{SumTogether}\left(\sum _{c=1}^5 \sum _{j=1}^5 f(c,j)+2 \sum _{c=1}^5 \sum _{j=1}^5 2 f(c,j)\right)$$ Here the issue is it's not simplifying further as $$\left(\sum _{c=1}^5 \sum _{j=1}^55f(c,j)\right)$$