I am trying to feed the solutions from my differential equations into another function. I am using [`NDSolve`](https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/NDSolve.html) to solve two differential equations simultaneously. It seems to be working ok based on the plots it is outputting (I need to work on the physical interpretation, but at this point, I am just trying to get this to output pressure as a function of time on the plot). Now I want to take the result of the [`NDSolve`](https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/NDSolve.html) and plug it back into the pressure equation to see how pressure changes over time. I assumed I could just put in the interpolated numerical solution directly into the equation and then plot it. I have tried a lot of different stuff but I am new to Mathematica and am probably doing a bunch of stuff wrong. I am not getting any errors but I am just not getting any output on the pressure plot (the last plot in the code). Note that the pressure equation P2 (the one I am trying to evaluate using diff eq sol's) is actually used as P to solve the differential equations in the first place (i.e. P2 = P). Here is where I am currently at with the code: ``` (* This calculation is intended to check the pressure build up inside the LN2 cavity*) ClearAll["Global`*"] Q = 100 ;(*Heat into the shroud W/m^2*) QAmb = 0 ;(*Heat loss to ambinet*) A = 1.935*10^-5 ;(*Area of orifice m^2 Based on 1/4 inch pipe with 0.028 inch wall thickness*) h = 199 ;(*Heat of vaporization of LN2 kJ/kg*) Cp = 1.039 ;(*Specific heat of LN2 kJ/(kg K) *) R = 0.2968 ;(*Gas constant for nitrogen kJ/(kg K)*) γ = 1.40 ;(*Specific heat ratio*) V = 0.001 ; (*Enclosed volume m^3*) icT = T[0] == 300 ;(*initial temp in the cavity*) icT2 = T'[3600] == 0 ;(*After a long time we will reach steady state and T will stop changing*) icm = m[0] == 0.001 ;(*initial mass of the vaporized gas*) tf = 10 ;(*Final time in seconds*) P = m[t]*R*T[t]/V ; (*Pressure term*) mDotEvap = Q/h ; (*rate of evap*) mDotOut = (A*P/Sqrt[T[t]])*Sqrt[γ/R]*((γ+1)/1)^((γ+1)/(2γ-2)) ; (*mass flow out of the orifice*) TEq = T'[t] == 1/(m[t]*Cp)(mDotEvap*h-mDotOut*Cp*T[t]-QAmb) ; (*Diff Eq for Temperature in the cavity*) mEq = m'[t] == mDotEvap - mDotOut ; (*Conservation*) sol1 = NDSolve[{TEq,mEq, icT, icm}, {T[t], m[t]},{t, 0, tf} ] ; P2[t] = ( m[t]/.sol1)*R*(T[t]/.sol1)/V ; (*Plugging back to get shroud pressure as functon of time*) Plot[{T[t]/.sol1},{t,0,tf}, PlotRange -> {{0,tf}, {800, 0}}, ImageSize->"Large", PlotLabels->Automatic] Plot[{m[t]/.sol1},{t,0,tf}, PlotRange -> {{0,tf}, {1, 0}}, ImageSize->"Large", PlotLabels->Automatic] Plot[P2[t],{t,0,tf}, PlotRange -> Automatic, ImageSize->"Large", PlotLabels->Automatic] ```