A shorter introduction to working with [`Root`](http://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/Root.html) objects is in [the below answer][1].


Solutions to algebraic or transcendental equations are expressed in terms of `Root` objects whenever it is impossible to find explicit solutions. In general there is no way express roots of 5-th (or higher) order polynomials in terms of radicals. However even higher order algebraic equations can be solved explicitly if an associated Galois group is solvable.  On the other hand `Solve` and `Reduce` behave differently by default, e.g. evaluate `Reduce[x^4 + 3 x + 1 == 0, x]` and `Solve[x^4 + 3 x + 1 == 0, x]`, this justifies apparently different outputs :

    Options[#, {Cubics, Quartics}] & /@ {Reduce, Solve}
>     {{Cubics -> False, Quartics -> False}, {Cubics -> True, Quartics -> True}}

or read [another related post][2]. 
Using `Solve` you could include this option `InverseFunctions -> True` to avoid any messages generated :

    s = Solve[(3 - Cos[4x])(Sin[x] - Cos[x]) == 2, x, InverseFunctions -> True]
![enter image description here][3]

nevertheless you won't get all solutions, only three of them are real numbers :

    Select[ s[[All, 1, 2]], Element[#, Reals] &]
>     {-π, π/2, π}

In general, it is recommended to use `Reduce` rather than `Solve` when one is looking for a general solution, mainly because the latter yields only generic solutions. Another reason is that lists must be of finite length while boolean form of `Reduce` output is more appropriate to include infinite number of solutions. However in our case one can add the option `MaxExtraCondition` to express full set of solutions, e.g. 

     Solve[(3 - Cos[4x])(Sin[x] - Cos[x]) == 2, x, MaxExtraConditions -> All]
>     {...,
     {x -> ConditionalExpression[
               2 ArcTan[ Root[1 + 12 #1^2 - 8 #1^3 - 26 #1^4 + 28 #1^6 + 8 #1^7 + #1^8 &,  8]] 
               + 2 π C[1],        C[1] ∈  Integers] },   ...}

With `Reduce` we needn't use any options and we'll get  all i.e. infinitely many solutions, evaluate e.g. :

    Reduce[(3 - Cos[4x])(Sin[x] - Cos[x]) == 2, x]

There is no problem with infinitely many solutions since the function is periodical and in a given period all roots are expressed in terms of a finite number of polynomial roots.  
Real solutions are integer multiples of `π/2` and for the  rest  `Mathematica` cannot decide whether they are transcendental or algebraic numbers, to check it try e.g. :

    Element[#, Algebraics] & /@ s[[All, 1, 2]]

 Note that `Root` objects represents the exact solutions, e.g. :

    FullSimplify[(3 - Cos[4 x]) (Sin[x] - Cos[x]) - 2 /. s]
>     {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

`Root` includes a pure function and an integer number pointing out explicitly a given root (here e.g. `Root[1 - 4 #1 + 8 #1^2 - 4 #1^3 + 24 #1^5 - 24 #1^6 - 16 #1^7 + 
   16 #1^8 &, 1]`) or (since `ver.7`) a list including a pure function and numerical approximation where we can find a root in case of a [transcendental equation][4]. This [post][5] may be helpful as well. Regardless of the form of representation `Root` can be exactly determined with an [arbitrary accuracy][6], whatever one needs, let's take the fourth solution in `s` e.g. :

    N[ s[[4]], 30]
>     {x -> -2.8504590137122308498000229727725413207035323228576 
          -0.2528465030753225904344011159589677330661689973232 I }

In case of `Root` is expressed by a transcendental function which has unbounded set of roots we have to restrict our searching to a [bounded set][7] including another condition, e.g. here we can restrict to `-5 < Re[x] < 5`, let's define : 

    g[x_, y_] := (3 - Cos[4 (x + I y)])(Sin[(x + I y)] - Cos[(x + I y)]) - 2
    rsol = Reduce[(3 - Cos[4x])(Sin[x] - Cos[x]) == 2 && -5 < Re[x] < 5, x];
    roots = {Re @ #, Im @ #} & /@ List @@ rsol[[All, 2]];

now we can visualize the geometrical structure of of the solution set :

        Show[ ContourPlot @@@ {
                { f[ g[x, y]], ##, Contours -> 15, ColorFunction -> "AvocadoColors", 
                  Epilog -> {PointSize[0.007],  Red , Point[roots]}},
                { Re[ g[x, y]] == 0, ##, ContourStyle -> {Blue, Thick}},
                { Im[ g[x, y]] == 0, ##, ContourStyle -> {Cyan, Thick}}}, 
              AspectRatio -> 3/10],        {f, {Re, Im}}] & @  Sequence[{x, -5, 5}, {y, -1, 1}]]
![enter image description here][8]

The blue curves are sets of complex numbers `x + I y` where `Re[ g[x, y]] == 0`, while the cyan ones where `Im[ g[x, y]] == 0`, and the roots are denoted by red points. 
We can see that we have `12` complex roots and `4` purely real ones, whereas `Solve` yielded respectively only `8` complex roots and `3` purely real.

For more information I recommend reading carefully e.g. an interesting post by Roger Germundsson on Wolfram Blog :  [Mathematica 7, Johannes Kepler, and Transcendental Roots][9].


Solving another equation of the OP I'd take :

    Solve[ Tan[ 2x] Tan[ 7x] == 1, x, MaxExtraConditions -> All]

or simply

    Reduce[ Tan[ 2x] Tan[ 7x] == 1, x]

All roots are real numbers :

    Reduce[#, x] == Reduce[#, x, Reals] & [Tan[2 x] Tan[7 x] == 1]
>     True     

Restricting our search to an interesting range of periodical function, let's  denote :

    hrs = List @@ Reduce[ Tan[ 2x] Tan[ 7x] == 1 && -5 < Re[x] < 5, x][[All, 2]];

now we can plot the roots :

    Plot[ Tan[ 2x] Tan[ 7x] - 1, {x, -2.7, 4.8}, AspectRatio -> 1/3, PlotStyle -> Thick,
          Exclusions -> {Cot[2x] == 0, Cot[7x] == 0}, 
          Epilog -> {Red, PointSize[0.007], Point[Thread[{#, 0}& @ hrs]]}]
![enter image description here][10]

  [1]: https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/126156/12
  [2]: https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/11498/mathematica-wont-give-eigenvectors-but-wolfram-alpha-will-what-am-i-doing-wron
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/owDz3.gif
  [4]: http://www.wolfram.com/products/mathematica/newin7/content/TranscendentalRoots/
  [5]: https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/4694/can-reduce-really-not-solve-for-x-here/4697#4697
  [6]: http://www.wolfram.com/products/mathematica/newin7/content/TranscendentalRoots/FindRootsExactlyAndToArbitraryNumericalPrecision.html
  [7]: http://www.wolfram.com/products/mathematica/newin7/content/TranscendentalRoots/SolveAnAnalyticEquationOverABoundedInterval.html
  [8]: https://i.sstatic.net/V4Gz3.gif
  [9]: http://blog.wolfram.com/2008/12/18/mathematica-7-johannes-kepler-and-transcendental-roots/
  [10]: https://i.sstatic.net/7YO10.gif