Paying close attention to the documentation for [`Fourier`]( and [`FourierTransform`]( one notes that the coefficients of the Sum/Integral terms are different; therefore, to obtain a discrete transform with amplitudes equal to those from the continuous transform, one must multiply the former by Sqrt[2 Pi / n] where n is the length of the dataset: The continuous waveform: DiscretePlot[ Evaluate[Abs@FourierTransform[2 Sin[x], x, w] /. DiracDelta -> DiscreteDelta], {w, 0, 2}] ![Mathematica graphics]( and the discrete waveform: With[{datalength = 100}, ListPlot[(Sqrt[2 Pi]/Sqrt[datalength]) Abs[ Fourier[Table[2*Sin[x], {x, 0, datalength}]]], Joined -> True, PlotRange -> {{0, 2}, All}, DataRange -> {0, 2Pi}]] ![Mathematica graphics](