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Is there any hope to get the result faster if we use a supercomputer for the given problem?

If an operation in Mathematica (say, computing the determinant of a $88\times88$ parametric matrix) takes much time to be computed on a personal computer (core i7), say a week, then, is there any hope ...
3 votes
1 answer

Daylight hours vs calendar date

Is there a way in Mathematica or Wolfram Alpha to get a plot of daylight hours vs calendar date and rate of change of daylight hours vs calendar date. Lets say I want the plot for latitude 45 degrees ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to get the events and holidays occurred on a list of dates?

I have a list of 100 unix timestamps and I am trying to get all the events occurred on that time. The following code get an abort signal when a has 100 timestamps. Another problem is that when I run ...
1 vote
1 answer

list of dates for vernal equinox

I'm trying to get a list of dates and times of the vernal equinox for the last 30 years (or some other time interval). I'm flailing about and really have gotten nowhere. When I've tried typing ...
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0 answers

Why do I get different results for the same input specified using natural language phrasing? [closed]

One of the comments to Stephen Wolfram's blog post on Ada Lovelace, mentioned that WolframAlpha (and verified in Mathematica as well) provided slightly different results for the question of Ada's age ...
8 votes
1 answer

Why does Mathematica's date for the battle Agincourt differ from the US Navy's?

If I ask Mathematica for the Julian Date for the battle of Agincourt with WolframAlpha["battle of agincourt date"] it reports ...
1 vote
0 answers

Make a table of changes in US coinage

I thought of an innovative use of Mathematica/Alpha that I think Stephen Wolfram would really love, but I can't figure out how to get it to work. The idea is to make a table that would chart the ...