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Questions tagged [version-8]

Version-specific issues for Mathematica 8 (other than bugs).

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25 votes
3 answers

Clipboard with transparency

After reading this question I have determined that Rasterize[Graphics[Circle[]], "Image", Background -> None] allows you to do ...
William's user avatar
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14 votes
0 answers

Undocumented syntax of FilledCurve [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Undocumented form for FilledCurve[] A nice trick to get the outline paths of letters is to use the PDF exporter/importer ...
Sjoerd C. de Vries's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Transparent textures don't show

EDIT For now, I'm going to accept Brett's answer. It's a way to get transparency back by having 3D calculations done in software instead of hardware. It addresses the symptoms but not the causes. ...
Sjoerd C. de Vries's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Problem with plotting eigenvalues

I want to plot the eigenvalues of a matrix which is dependant on a parameter (well, actually I want to plot a tight-binding electronic band structure). The dimension of the hamitonian matrix is ...
matheorem's user avatar
  • 17.4k
18 votes
4 answers

What is the most convenient way to change options for Graph[] objects?

What is the most convenient way to change options such as VertexLabels in existing Graph objects? (Version 7 users note: ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
  • 236k
16 votes
2 answers

How to compute the inverse CDF of HyperbolicDistribution properly?

Fixed in version 9. I want to compute the CDF and inverse CDF of the hyperbolic distribution: ...
AUK1939's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

ListPolarPlot not showing full plot range even with PlotRange -> All

Bug introduced in 8.0 and fixed in 9.0 I have a list of data dpdOt (given below) with associated angular coordinates thetaplot, ...
George's user avatar
  • 390
4 votes
1 answer

Can't simplify Abs[a*Cos[x]]^2

Why doesn't FullSimplify[ Abs[a*Cos[x]]^2, Assumptions -> {{a, x} ∈ Reals}] simplify to (a*Cos[x])^2 but this query <...
XDnl's user avatar
  • 143
19 votes
1 answer

Break[] inside ColorFunction

Bug introduced in V8.0 or earlier and persisting through V12.1.0 or later. Fixed in V13.0.0 ...
ssch's user avatar
  • 16.7k
13 votes
0 answers

Interpolation on an unstructured (mostly-structured) grid in 4D+

I frequently need to perform interpolations on an unstructured grid. Mostly, with the purpose of filling grid holes and then later continue with regular grid interpolations. Mathematica V9 and V10 ...
Markus Roellig's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

backward compatibility

When producing or enhancing code, it is tempting to use recent new primitives of Mathematica introduced in version 7 and 8, but for library code or in preparation or future version change in ...
ogerard's user avatar
  • 959
6 votes
2 answers

Animating the Lorenz Equations

I am trying to use the Animate command to vary a parameter of the Lorenz Equations in 3-D phase space and I'm not having much luck. The equations are: $\begin{...
Abudin's user avatar
  • 161
33 votes
1 answer

What calendar is Mathematica using for dates in the distant past?

It appears that Mathematica treats all dates as proleptic Gregorian dates by default, a hypothesis that can be easily tested by using AbsoluteTime to compute the ...
orome's user avatar
  • 12.9k
16 votes
2 answers

Command Completion

Note: As of version 9, this functionality is available and works out of the box. I've a few questions about Command Completion in Mathematica. I recently discovered this feature, and it's really ...
Tianxiang Xiong's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Printing exported PDF graphics fails (version 8)

When I export even simple graphics, say, a DateListPlot to PDF under Windows, it refuses to print on any of the printers at work. Acrobat (Reader X) throws three ...
Verbeia's user avatar
  • 34.5k
15 votes
1 answer

Why does LogLinearPlot sample its argument outside the specified domain?

Bug introduced in 6.0 and fixed in 9.0.0 I experience a weird bug in the function LogLinearPlot. If the input is an interpolation function, such as the one created ...
yohbs's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Alternative to NotebookLocate or NotebookFind

In Mathematica 8.0 and older, there are two ways to select cells based on cell tags. NotebookLocate["CellTag"]; NotebookGet[EvaluationNotebook[]] and ...
William's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Riemann-Spherical Projection of Network onto the $\mathbb{R}^2$-Plane

I'm trying to find a way to plot the graph ...
Loie Benedicte's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Wavelet Packet Transform in Mathematica 7 and 8

For finding location of spikes in a time series I used to transform the data into wavelet space using DiscreteWaveletPacketTransform [ data, filter, 0] and then ...
K-1's user avatar
  • 581
4 votes
2 answers

SSL errors when using URLFetch or URLSave in versions 8 or 9

It seems that with Mathematica 8 and 9 it is not possible anymore to download files from SSL encrypted urls. In my case (Fedora 30) on Mathematica 8 (it has no ...
vsht's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

A Graphics`Mesh`ConvexHull[] peculiarity

I have been unable to explain the behavior of Graphics`Mesh`ConvexHull[] on the following (highly simplified) example: ...
Carlos Culo's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Method Shrinkwrap Messes up editting Graphics

If you try resizing or moving the Inset in the following interface, the Graphics becomes incredibly jerky and borderline ...
William's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Create a colorbar plot legend

I have the following list of parametric equations lst = {10*Cos[u]*Sin[v], 3*Sin[u]*Sin[v], 2*Cos[v]}; I define the following color function ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Switching direction of y-axis

I'm trying to reverse the direction of the y-axis on a parametric plot, with a frame. I'm using ParametricPlot because it was an easy way to switch the x-axis with the y-axis. I have seen many ...
Canada709's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Problem enabling PlotLegends in Mathematica 8.0 [closed]

I am trying to make a legend for a simple plot in Mathematica 8, but does not seem to recognise the command PlotLegends. I declared beforehand Needs["PlotLegends`"],...
Polina's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
0 answers

Positive integrand giving negative answer

I'm integrating a positive function f(t) times sin(t) from 0 to pi/5 and get -38. Actually f is slightly negative for a short time (smallest value ~ -0.0005), but far from enough to explain this. ...
jorgen's user avatar
  • 539
2 votes
1 answer

FrameTicks in BarChart

I am finding it a strange issue. I want to make a BarChart as ...
zenith's user avatar
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