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Questions tagged [system-variables]

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-7 votes
2 answers

Module function corrupts string? [closed]

I have the module who should replace some elements of a matrix with checkboxes ...
TraceKira's user avatar
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1 answer

strictly positive solution to $Ax=b$

How to find in mathematica one real strictly positive solution, if any, of $Ax=b$. A is rectangular matrix. Thanks
John's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Solving a large system of nonlinear equations

I have a system of 80 nonlinear equations with 64 variables to solve in Mathematica but it takes a lot of time (about two hours) and then it return "no more memory available" knowing that I have 8GB ...
Tulip's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Creating a variable from Reduce[] output in Mathematica

Say I have the following input: Reduce[{t*c==50, t==5}] the output: t == 5. && c == 10. Is there a way to create a ...
Mardymar's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Developing Mathematica applications with IntelliJ IDEA [duplicate]

I create Mathematica application. For example testPrj. Now I want load this application for test. Here is a problem: how can I setup environment for loading my application with simple ...
molekyla777's user avatar
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Setting $RecursionLimit crashes Mathematica 10

I have encountered what I shall presume is a bug: setting $RecursionLimit repeatably crashes the Mathematica 10 kernel: ...
Mr.Wizard's user avatar
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Syntax highlighting conflict

I'm trying to syntax highlight this expression: x=$\sqrt{\pi }$//N and from various sources I've learned that x (the assigned symbol) belongs to context Global while the Pi and N belongs to System. So ...
khanhnguyendata's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Importing data from excel and assigning a variable to each of its columns

How should I assign variables to the data imported from excel containing 3 columns which are time, mean and standard deviation. I want to perform operations on the three variables to get new variables....
Pawan's user avatar
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1 answer

How do assign an interval of values to a variable in order to use them in a function?

From my code (below) I have K1 and K2 set to zero in order to test this numerical method. However, K1 is on an interval from 0 to 32, and K2 is on an interval from 0 to 8. I would like to know if ...
user13629's user avatar
0 votes
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Block, With, Module, can anyone help me understand the distinction? [duplicate]

I've been working heavily with Block[] for months in my research so I've read the documentation for the seemingly similar commands With[], Block[], and Module[]. Personally, I've had by far the ...
Steve's user avatar
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3 answers

Solve the system of equalities and inequalities

I have a system of expressions, in which each expression is an equality or inequality expression of the following form: Var = Var1 + Var2 Var $\odot$ number Var $\odot$ Var1 $\odot$ = $\leq | \geq | =...
Loi.Luu's user avatar
  • 415
3 votes
3 answers

Accessing temporary value of a Nest evaluation

The function Nest[] must store the temporary values in the memory somewhere (those values that would form the entries of the list which is returned by the ...
S.Surace's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Is there an analogue of the Variables command for general expressions? [duplicate]

The command Variables[poly] gives me a list of all variables that appear in the expression poly, which involved sums, ...
user1337's user avatar
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2 answers

Equivalent of __FILE__?

Many languages define a special identifier whose value is the path to the source file currently being processed. (For example, in C, this is done through the ...
kjo's user avatar
  • 11.8k
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Solving a differential equation for a variable in a function

This may sound like a very trivial question, but I need to solve a differential equation as follows: ...
Gokotai's user avatar
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How to understand and use DSolve solution

This equation is simple to DSolve in Mathematica, but I don't know how to use and understand solution. ...
Pipe's user avatar
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10 votes
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Why do DateList, DateString, and AstronomicalData ignore $TimeZone?

My reading of the documentation for DateList and DateString lead me to believe that both functions use ...
orome's user avatar
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Is it safe to change the value of $TimeZone?

I'd like to configure some of my notebooks to assume all calculations using dates, times and locations (notably AstronomicalData , but others too) take place at the ...
orome's user avatar
  • 12.9k
11 votes
4 answers

How to change the variables Qi's to Ri's in one or two steps

I was wondering if there is a command in Mathematica to change all the following Qi's to Ri's? For example, change Q1 to R1, Q2 to R2, etc. ...
math-visitor's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to restrict global variables to within a given notebook? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is there a way to separate variables between multiple notebooks? I assigned a global variable like a=10; It works in all my notebooks, but ...
subbu's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Where can I permanently modify $Path?

I've quite forgotten: what file does one modify in order to add directories to $Path globally? Specifically, I want to include ...
murray's user avatar
  • 12.1k
51 votes
9 answers

Items known by CurrentValue

CurrentValue can be used to poll the state of numerous system values such as the mouse position. Its help page doesn't list all possible items, though. An item like ...
Sjoerd C. de Vries's user avatar