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Questions tagged [sum]

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3 answers

Series with odd numbers

Please help me implement the following formula: My attempts: ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Sum with conditions and iterations

I need to use Sum in a unique way. Say we have a number $N$ passed in, I want to calculate and add all these series: $$N^2$$ plus $$ 1+2+\cdots+(N-1)+ \\ 1+2+\cdots+...
Steve237's user avatar
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Summation not returning a timely result

Why is Mathematica v12 spinning on this series: FullSimplify[Sum[16^x/((16^x) + 4), {x, 1/2025, 2024/2025, 1/2025}]] The answer works out to 1012. Is there another ...
Steve237's user avatar
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5 votes
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Mathematica failing to evaluate sum

I have some sums to simplify/evaluate, but for some reason I can't even get Mathematica to simplify relatively simple sums. For example, I tried to get Mathematica to simplify this sum: $$\sum_{k=0}^{...
Oliver's user avatar
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2 answers

Break summation into component summations

I'm trying to compute analytically the following infinite sum: Sum[Exp[-x^2] HermiteH[10,x], {x, -\[Infinity], \[Infinity]}] In version 13.1, the output is ...
David G. Stork's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Why does Mathematica not recognize a convergent series?

Bug introduced in 12.1, persisting through 13.2 or later In one of my program run on Wolfram Cloud I run the command: Sum[(-1)^(Floor[k/2])/(k+1),{k,0,Infinity}] ...
drer's user avatar
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Can symbolic sums of indexed arrays be simplified?

As a simple example, is it possible to simplify say Sum[Indexed[x, i], {i, 1, n}] == Indexed[x, n] + Sum[Indexed[x, i], {i, 1, n - 1}] If not, please explain ...
Alan's user avatar
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