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What changed in String handling between 11.0 and 11.3?

I was trying to optimize some String-handling code here using my standard trick of converting it to a list of bytes first and using basic list operations instead of ...
b3m2a1's user avatar
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SimilarityRules for SequenceAlignment of two lists

I am trying to use the SimilarityRules option of SequenceAlignment to customize its output. This works perfectly for strings, ...
Thijs's user avatar
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Why is SequencePosition or SequenceCases so slow on large lists?

I observed that SequencePosition or Sequence Cases on a list of around 60'000 digits is so slow that I had to sort out to string pattern matching. Is this normal behavior or should Wolfram have a look ...
markilux's user avatar
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How can I convert the Defer result to a String

I have created a package.wl where I am building a simple interface with input fields and buttons to generate and solve some simple integer logarithms. There is a button [show solution] that explains ...
e1c's user avatar
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Reconstructing a partition from its character

Given a solid partition $\rho=\{\pi_1, \pi_2, ..\}$, where $\pi_a$ are plane partitions such that $\pi_{a+1} \subset \pi_a$, we can compute its character, which is a sum of monomials with non-negative ...
jj_p's user avatar
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For given rules, discard some rules by imposing conditions

For a given input, and after some implementing conditions I want to discard unnecessary rules and pick only relevant rules. More explicitly, suppose I have a following transformation rules. ...
phy_math's user avatar
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Partitioning set including empty set; P=QRST

Suppose I have $l$ length of words denoted as $P$, I want to divide this set into four $P=QRST$ including empty set, i.e., $Q=R=S=\phi, T=P$. For non-empty set decomposition, I can do ...
phy_math's user avatar
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ReplaceAll on a list of strings

Does replacing a list of strings have to be this convoluted (with a warning too)? Why can't ReplaceAll natively use string matching patterns? ...
Domenico Modica's user avatar
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how to change list of some scalars into vectors?

I have a pair of equations f= {eq1,eq2} that are (x,y) dependent. I take derivative by (x) and (y) for each equation, for example, Grad[f, {x, y}] . {1, 1}] and ...
Aschoolar's user avatar
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Split a String by minus and zero

How can a String like 0.0002230.0012730.000296-0.0014380.0011270.0014690.001457-0.001017` be converted to ...
weilei li's user avatar
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How to apply command to all elements of a list?

So I generated a list of cities and I want to apply FindGeoLocation to all of them without having to seperate the elements and then applying. ...
Mona's user avatar
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Exporting a large number of image variables in mathematical 11

I used the following code to import a large number of tiff images into notebook. ...
Shriram Bobbili's user avatar