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Questions tagged [queueing-systems]

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How to calculate quantile of time in a queue of a queuing process?

I want to calculate the 90th percentile of time spent in a queue. It seems that the way to do that is to generate TemporalData from ...
Alexander Sandler's user avatar
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Mathematica QueuingProcess service channels not changing Statistics

I am working on a model with students where we are interested in adding a service channel to our queue. We are looking at the average value of the queue output by creating a sum of the total number ...
Nicholas Jacob's user avatar
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How to generate number of points in a m/m/c/c process with Poisson arrival and exponential service time?

I am considering the Earling-B or m/m/c/c process. Let the request arrival rate follows Poisson Process with average rate, $\lambda$ Let the service time follows Exponential Distribution, i.e., $\...
George Farnandez's user avatar
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Mean of a QueueingProcess after finite time

I have an M/M/1 queue. In the documentation says that one can Slice distribution of an M/M/1 queue with inexact parameters. This slice behaves (somehow) as a ...
Rafael's user avatar
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How i compute the properties of G/G/1 QueueingProcess?

how can i compute the properties of G/G/1 QueueingProcess using Mathematica using the following distributions ...
Amin's user avatar
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Problems with QueueingNetworkProcess [closed]

I have a two stage queueing network and want to vary the number of servers at the second node. The input data and the Manipulate command is below: ...
user14564's user avatar