Questions tagged [postprocessing]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Create vtk file of ParaView from Mathematica [FEM post-processing]

I'm doing FEM in Mathematica and want to visualize the results in Paraview (e.g., create a video of the displacement field). Now I have the element mesh, the displacement and stress fields. How can I ...
Wilhelm's user avatar
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Text fields in PDF Export

I am trying to implement a way in Mathematica to export graphics to PDF and then use Inkscape from within Mathematica to post process the resulting output with the pdf-latex export option in Inkscape. ...
Praan's user avatar
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Postprocessing of FEM: extremely slow speed of NIntegrate

I've gone through the documentation for NDSolve FEM. There are quite a lot tips and techniques for accelerating NDSolve, and only quite few tips for post processing. Somehow I found out that the ...
407PZ's user avatar
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Connect the nearest points in segmented image

I am trying computer vision for document analysis of datasheets.And quite new to mathematica My goal is to connect and segment out the part number with part in the drawing considerably something ...
Nithin Varghese's user avatar