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Installing new version of Mathematica on same system that has an older version of Mathematica and wanting to use both afterwards [duplicate]

I currently have an older Mac system running High Sierra, that has Mathematica version 8.0.4 installed on it and it still works fine. I was thinking of trying out a newer trial version of Mathematica ...
Bob 's user avatar
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Read Mac Touch ID In Mathematica

Apple seems to provide some support for developers to authenticate users biometrically with the touch id sensor in the form of a swift API (see here). I'm wondering if there is an easy way to do this ...
user2757771's user avatar
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Set Default System Options

I have a new Mac M1 machine and am getting Mathematica set up on it. I noticed that when I run some simple benchmarking tests, for example matrix diagonalization, the code runs significantly slower if ...
pQ12branch's user avatar
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Parallel kernel configuration settings missing on MacBook ARM

$Version (* 12.3.1 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit) (July 8, 2021) *) In the preferences panel, the parallel kernel settings are missing. Evaluating ...
Rohit Namjoshi's user avatar
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Matching [],{},() in Mac

In the Windows system, the keyboard shortcuts Matching [] Alt+] Matching {} Alt+} Matching () Alt+) works fine. This functionality does not seem to work with MacOS. Opt+] gives ' Opt+} gives " ...
Zviovich's user avatar
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Can someone confirm Mathematica crash on Mac with external screen?

I ran into a reproducible problem with my Mathematica, I was wondering if it's something that is true for other users, and not just in on my machine. Setup: MacBook with one external monitor in ...
Stan's user avatar
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Drag-and-drop image out of notebook

Drag-and-dropping images into notebooks works like a charm. But oftentimes I already have an image in a notebook and I want to use somewhere outside Mathematica. So we do this: right-clicking and ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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"Mathematica running" not shown in Mathematica Icon in 11.1

I wonder whether this is a singular problem to my environment or not: In Mathematica 11.0.x the icon of Mathematica showed a circle around the Mathematica symbol when Mathematica was running, so one ...
mgamer's user avatar
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Export in wolframscript moves focus to Mathematica app

I'm running Mathematica 11 from command line on OS X El Capitan. As far as I know, I can only pass command line arguments using the wolframscript command. Here's my ...
Lio's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a standalone OS X app from manipulate?

I'm wondering if it's possible to make a standalone app from a manipulate box. I mean a small app that do exactly what the manipulate box is doing in Mathematica, but without Mathematica. In other ...
Cham's user avatar
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How to load to Mathematica functions linking to MKL with LibraryLink on OSX

I'm trying to load library funcitons to Mathematica which are using MKL functions but I'm constatly getting LibraryFunction::libload on OSX (this works fine on ...
mmal's user avatar
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Can Mathematica automatically take advantage of the GPU on the new Mac Pro?

I'm upgrading my Mac to one of the new Mac Pro R2D2 Darth Vader models that have just been released. They come standard with twin AMD FirePro D300 cards, or twin D500 cards. I don't need that much ...
wolfies's user avatar
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Error message from V6.0.3 on Mavericks

With Mavericks, everything works fine except saving documents -- then I get this error: Internal self test error MacDialog | c | 2 Fixes? Ideas? Any help appreciated.
Dean Rosenthal's user avatar
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Does Mathematica 11 work on macOS High Sierra (v10.13)?

In Mathematica, I see the following information $Version 11.1.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (March 16, 2017) However, in the macOS System Information app seems ...
TransferOrbit's user avatar
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Compatibility of Mathematica Notebooks written on Mac with Windows

I wrote a notebook on Mac OS 10.7.4 and run it on Windows XP at work. On my Mac I use a full version of Mathematia, whereas on the Windows-system only a trial version (Version ...
John's user avatar
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How can I get emacs key bindings to repeat when held down in Mathematica?

I like using emacs key bindings to navigate (c-f, c-b, etc.). But unlike every other application I use on my Mac, those commands don't repeat when I hold them down. So I have to press 'f' each time I ...
mathematica_noob's user avatar
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Front End Find feature broken in Version 10 with OSX Mavericks?

I installed Mathematica 10 and on my Macbook-Pro with OSX Mavricks. I was most frustrated to find that the front-end Find feature doesn't work. Do others have this problem? Is it possible something ...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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How to switch between different CDFs in CDF Player?

I recently got a Mac. It has CDF Player, but not Mathematica. How do I get CDF Player to switch between different CDFs on OS X Lion? Edit I forgot to mention that I want to know how to switch ...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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Wolfram script produces no output

I use Mathematica to create a series of PNG images in a for loop. I want to execute the notebook from the command line in macOS. I exported it as a wolframscript -- see below -- but nothing happens ...
220284's user avatar
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Shift+Enter does not work on Mac computer? [closed]

When I click in the green box and press Shift + Enter nothing happens. I am using a macbook with OS X El Captain. Is there other keys I can press?
AbbeyL's user avatar
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System Modeler 4 on Mac X El Capitan does not work

I have installed the Mac version of System Modeler 4 in a MacBook Pro with OS X El Capitan . Also the Coder has been installed version 7 . But the System modeler can not find the C ++ compiler not is ...
Jose Enrique Calderon's user avatar
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MathLink with Xcode 7.3

I am trying to follow this tutorial to compile the example addtwo program. But I am stuck on how to include the files ...
QuantumDot's user avatar
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Superscript on mac hotkey not working

I cannot input superscript with the keyboard shortcut ctrl-6. I am on mac osX 10.14.5. The menu button in insert>typesetting>superscript works and says the shortcut is ctrl-6. One site said use ctrl-...
Smithey's user avatar
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Compile error: clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1

After not using Mathematica for a few months (I think since december 2018) on my MacBook Pro from 2013 (now with macOS Mojave 10.14.5) I am suddenly facing issues with ...
Marius Ladegård Meyer's user avatar
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Missing _MLDisownDoubleArray from libMLi4.a building MathLink with MEX

I'm trying to build MathLink on a Mac using Mex, according to the instructions included in the MathLink download. Unfortunately, when I compile ...
rsnorunt's user avatar
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How can I use Ctrl-n and Ctrl-p to interact with the completion menu on macOS?

I would like to use CTRL-N and CTRL-P to select the next or previous entry in the context-sensitive autocompletion menu of ...
Hotschke's user avatar
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Running Mathematica 10.3 on OS X 10.13.0 or 10.13.1, High Sierra?

Has anyone had success running Mathematica 10.3 on OS X 10.13.0 / 10.13.1 / High Sierra? If anyone has used (or is currently using) this combination did it appear to work successively? Were there ...
jmc's user avatar
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Mathematica 10.4.0 closes after 'Plot' command on Mac OS X

I have a Macbook air (2013) with OS X 10.8.5, and recently I installed Mathematica 10.4.0. The problem is, every time I try to plot something like Plot[x,{x,0,1}] ...
Ana S. H.'s user avatar
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My plot is cut off if a frametick is "0" but resized if a frametick is "0." Why?

I have been trying to customize the frame ticks and frame label around a certain contour plot and am running into very strange behavior where the graphics will get cut off by ...
j.c.'s user avatar
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How to resolve the following problem with DialogInput/PopupMenu?

Consider the following DialogInput: ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Using a Remote Kernel

I'm trying to connect the front end on Mac OS (version 13.0) use a remote (also 13.0) kernel running on an Ubuntu machine. I've followed the basic steps here (
user2757771's user avatar
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Mathematica 12 not compatible with Mac OS 11 (Big Sur)? Just updated to 12 for OS 10.15 (Catalina) compatibility [closed]

I just got an email from Wolfram, pictured below. A year ago I updated to 12.0 in order to keep running Mathematica under Mac OS 10.15, Catalina. Now I have to upgrade again in order to keep using the ...
Zippy The Pinhead's user avatar
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How do I query all the Mathematica keystroke mappings?

In the keystroke control-F6 key combination is listed as way to cycle between active Mathematica windows. None of these ...
Peeter Joot's user avatar
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Can one run Mathematica 11 on macOS Catalina using Retroactive?

I know that only Mathematica 12+ runs on macOS Catalina. However some apps that supposedly do not work (like Aperture) can work using the Retroactive app. Has anyone tried that? Successes? Thanks
A.G.'s user avatar
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Catalina is not compatible with WolframScript 12 [duplicate]

Today, I was trying to install the Mathematica 12 on my MacBook Pro with the latest system Mac OS Catalina v 10.15.1. The installation somehow failed because there appears to be some incompatibility ...
EricWitten's user avatar
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Mathematica 12 crashes when closing any window in Full Screen (OSX)

As the title indicates, Mathematica 12 keeps crashing whenever I close a window that is in full screen in OSX. My specs are: Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6 (x86 64-bit) Mathematica So this is a very ...
OldTomMorris's user avatar
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MathKernel process above 99% even for trivial calculations and Mathematica is very slow

I am running Mathematica on a MacBook with OS X El Capitan, version 10.11.6. I used to have no problems using Mathematica. Then recently, it started to be extremely slow. Even for the ...
Patrick's user avatar
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To how many operating systems has Mathematica been ported? [closed]

Does Wolfram Mathematica only work with the Windows operating system?
Dan Iliescu's user avatar
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Would one be able to transfer a home edition to a replacement machine/laptop?

I presently have Version installed on my home MacBookAir, and am considering updating. The laptop is more than four years old, and I am a little concerned that I may, at some point, need a ...
Paul B. Slater's user avatar
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How to read a file when it's pathname contains a Macintosh alias?

On a Macintosh: assume a file "F1" is in a directory "D1" in the current NotebookDirectory, and a file "F2" is in a directory "D2" somewhere else, and an alias "A2" to D2 is in the current ...
James Stein's user avatar
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Mma 11.1.1 does not recognize GPU

The newest version of Mma 11.1.1 advertises "Re-enabled GPU support for neural networks for Mac." But when I install on an Apple MacBook Pro with an NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M GPU, and I do: ...
abwatson's user avatar
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RLink error with dynamic libraries on Mac 10.12 with Mathematica v11

Background Yes, there have been a lot of questions on RLink (quite a few on just how to get it working or installing packages). However none directly address ...
SumNeuron's user avatar
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Front end crash on Export in 10.2 on OS X macbook air 6,2

When trying to create a PDF (export, print-save as, save image as) fronted crashes. With both OS X Mavericks and El Capitan My machine is: Model: MacBookAir6,2, BootROM MBA61.0099.B19, 2 processors, ...
Fernando Acosta's user avatar
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strange behavior when calling external linux command

My platform is Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.1. When calling several external linux commands as the following: ...
sunt05's user avatar
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Default starting location of "Save as..." dialog in OS X [duplicate]

In the answer to this previous question, user Szabolcs says On OS X (I'm using 10.9 and Mathematica 9) the file chooser dialogue will remember the last location you used. So if you Save/Open ...
thecommexokid's user avatar
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CUDA* commands are very slow on OS X and Mac

I have Mathematica installed on my new MacBook Pro running OS X 10.8. I also have the latest CUDA drivers (and even the CUDA SDK) from nVIDIA. I've noticed that commands like CUDAQ[] take a ...
Sean Wall's user avatar
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Mathematica 12 compatibility with earlier versions under macOS 10.15 Catalina [closed]

I currently run the following: Mathematica on a Mac Pro (Late 2013)running macOS Mojave Version 10.14.6. I want to upgrade the OS to macOS 10.15 Catalina. To do so, I understand that ...
Jagra's user avatar
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How to open Mathematica from the terminal in OS X

So far, when I was working in Linux, I would open my Mathematica files from the terminal by typing: mathematica filename.nb & But now, I got a mac, and when ...
Mencia's user avatar
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Why doesn't Mathematica show up in OS X Spotlight? [closed]

When I enter a string that matches part of the name of an application on Mac, the OS X Spotlight search feature will suggest apps for me to launch. This works for every app except Mathematica: While ...
orome's user avatar
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How do I add the nth element for every line in a text file?

Suppose I have a text file, in this format: ...
Ihaveaquestion's user avatar