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Questions tagged [list-manipulation]

Questions on the manipulation of List objects in Mathematica, and the functions used for these manipulations.

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Unexpected Peaks and Detours in PNJL Model Plot Using FindRoot

I'm working on a numerical solution for a PNJL model. The model I’m working on is based on the formalism described in this paper: arXiv:hep-ph/0506234. My goal is to reproduce plots similar to the ...
Everlin Martins's user avatar
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Automate generation of new list [closed]

Suppose there is a list of lists as follows: BigList={{1,2,3},{4,5,4},{7,7,9},{10,11}} and it is required to apply a given command separately on each sublist ...
vyali's user avatar
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Fastest way of removing outliers from a data set which depends on a variable

Edit: I meant $j\to\infty$... Suppose we have the following code: ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Numerical precision of keys in Merge function

I'm trying to merge list member with the same numerical key values: a = {53.8 -> x, Floor[53.81`, 0.2] -> y}; Merge[a, Total] then I get: ...
Ming's user avatar
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How to delete members of a list by rule [duplicate]

I have a list: lis = {"a",1,""} and would like to delete from the list all elements that consist of "" to give: ...
Suite401's user avatar
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How to rearrange the list by the number of elements? [closed]

csn899's user avatar
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Applying a condition to a column in a table using If

Let's assume we have the code below (The below code is derived from answer @DanielHuber link and answer @Domen link) ...
Emad kareem's user avatar
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`Drop` for list of elements of different dimensions

MWE is the following list {{{1,2,3},4},{{a,b,c},d}} I want to Drop the 3 and c here. (In reality, it is a very long list of ...
Confuse-ray30's user avatar
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How to raise a vector to powers contained in a vector, change the list into a product, and do this for all the lines of a matrix, efficiently?

I want to raise the first vector var to the powers in a second vector, and then multiply the list, when the second vector runs over all lines of a matrix ...
florin's user avatar
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How to find intersecting linear equations between two lists?

I have two lists of linear equations: list1 = {x - y == 0, x + 2y == 0, 3x - y == 0} list2 = {-x + y == 0, -x - 2y == 0, 3x - y == 0, 3x - 2y == 0} I want to ...
internet's user avatar
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How to solve numerically a fourth order BVP having a Boundary condition at Limit Approaches to 0

I have the following fourth order BVP (pde): $\frac{1}{4}f_{yyt}+H^{4}(ff_{yyy}-f_{y}f_{yy})=\frac{1}{H^{2}R}(yf_{yyy}+2f_{yy})$ with boundary conditions: $f(0,t)=0$, $f(1,t)=0$, $f_{y}(1,t)=-\frac{\...
Junaid Ahmad's user avatar
-1 votes
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Match list to a pattern [duplicate]

I want to match a list to a pattern, but MatchQ is not doing the job as needed. For example, I need: ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Fourth order BVP partial differential equation

I am trying to solve fourth order partial differential equation describing a fluid problem, by using Mathematica. The PDE is provided here as: $(1/4)f_{yyt} + H^4(ff_{yyy} - f_y f_{yy})=1/{H^2R(yf_{...
Muhammad Zeeshan khan's user avatar
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How to generate all possible combinations subject to symmetry conditions

I have a list of 6 (possibly repeated) integers: ints = {a,b,c,d,e,f}; and also a set of symmetry conditions: You can switch the signs of elements 1 and 4 at the ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Function to find the most common numeric ordered pairings (value, count)

Let us say that I have a list of numeric ordered pairs where the first number represents a value to be counted and the second number represents the count of that value. The following is one way to ...
anonmous's user avatar
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Add a new column based on the complement of column data in a table

I have this code to replace the data of each row in a specific function and display a new column showing the values ​​of the function ...
Emad kareem's user avatar
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Finding the position of a list element using functions like Max on lists that might contain 'Indeterminate' values

I am working with lists of the following form: ...
anonmous's user avatar
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Best way to extend the size and add terms to a SparseArray without expanding

Let's say I have a "small" SparseArray of any size, in the example $2\times2$ ...
rhermans's user avatar
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Operations on Sub Lists

Let us assume that I have the following list of lists: foo = {{2, 1}, {3, 1}, {4, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 1}, {2, 1}}; and that I want to multiply the elements of each sub ...
anonmous's user avatar
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Union of lists with original order

I would like to combine a few lists such that the resulting list follows the order of the original lists, which will have disjoint elements, but their order is compatible. ...
Albercoc's user avatar
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How to check equivalence when variables in equations are replaced by their negatives?

In a previous post about checking whether two systems of equations are equivalent, the suggestion was to use the Reduced Row Echelon Form, which was great. However, I now want to consider an ...
internet's user avatar
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Reshaping a list as another nested list

I have the following list ( p to be some even number ) ...
Erosannin's user avatar
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Find positions of unique elements in a nested list

I have a nested list with depth 6. The items in the list are mathematical expressions. I want to find the positions of the unique items in the nested list. I have found the following, which works for ...
Morgan's user avatar
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How to make a list plot from a "vector array"?

I have an (excel) table where my first column have decimals from -3 to 3, and the other columns have associated values, in such a way that i have a "vector array" similar to this: ...
McNess's user avatar
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Solving list manipulation exercise involving longest sequence of identical digits in a list using functional programming idiom

I have been trying to improve my list manipulation skills by doing some of the exercises in Wolfram's Intro book. I am struggling to solve this question using only functional programming constructs. ...
Jim Marks's user avatar
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How can I get a list of tuples which sum to zero for three lists of labelled vectors

gunes's user avatar
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Applying the binomial distribution to matrix data

The probability that a random variable $X$ with binomial distribution $B(n,p)$ is equal to the value $k$, where $k = 0, 1,\dots,n$. If we have the $(n\times m)$matrix and $N_j$, $$f(x)= 1/2 \binom{3}{...
Math-babylon's user avatar
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How to combine some ordered pairs

I have a list of ordered pairs: {{1, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 4}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {2, 4}, {2, 4}, {2, 4}, {4, 4}} If two pairs {x_1, y_1}...
Geoffrey Critzer's user avatar
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Formatting control points for BSplineFunction

I am trying to create an approximation to a level surface $F(u,v,w) = 0$ using BSplineFunction and control points sampled from the ContourPlot. I want to use these points to make a 2-variable ...
user192413's user avatar
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Flatten bottom $n$ levels [closed]

The documentation for Flatten states: Flatten[list,n] – flatten out the top $n$ levels in list Does a function exist to ...
Kay's user avatar
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Combinations of two table

I would like to find all the possible combinations between TSet1 and TSet2 to create a table of 18 rows. ...
Emad kareem's user avatar
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How can I make a list containing 5 rows and 10 columns from a list? [closed]

I have a list list = RandomInteger[{10, 100}, 100] I want to make a list containing 5 rows and 10 columns. I tried ...
Thuy Nguyen's user avatar
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Inserting a 0 in Specific Symbols

I have a very large network with 1000's of edges. Below is a small sample. The N is my label for Node and the number that follows is a unique identifier. I want to make all the edges on either side of ...
user42700's user avatar
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How can I compute the cross product of some sets of ordered pairs?

I have a list of sets of ordered pairs: {{{1, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 4}, {4, 8}}, {{1, 1}, {1, 2}}, {{1, 1}, {1, 2}}} There are 4 ordered pairs in the first set, 2 ...
Geoffrey Critzer's user avatar
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How can you transform the format of letters in a list,Character and parameter mutualization?

Q1:How to convert list1 into list2 list1={A, B, C, D, E, F} ...
csn899's user avatar
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Condition on the data of table

If you have a table and want to separate some data into columns according to certain conditions: Let's assume we have the following table: ...
Emad kareem's user avatar
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How can I count frequency of a list faster?

I have a list list = RandomInteger[{120, 180}, {20}] I want to count from the list elements $a$ satisfying conditions: $120\leqslant a <130$, $130\leqslant a &...
minhthien_2016's user avatar
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Using PutAppend to create data file for 2D plot

I need to append 2 real numbers x,y (a point coordinates) to the bottom of a file, so that these numbers form 2 columns, the x column and the y column. I need to plot the points later. Doing this: <...
Mike's user avatar
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How to convert a $2 \times 2$ matrix with entries of $4 \times 4$ matrices into a regular $8 \times 8 $ matrix

I have tried to create the following matrix $$\begin{bmatrix} 0_{4} & \mathbb{I}_{4} \\ \mathbb{I}_{4} & 0_{4} \end{bmatrix}.$$ I have used the following code ...
am567's user avatar
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List editing problem

I have an ill-formed list: ...
Suite401's user avatar
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Central element of matrix

Let we have $(2\cdot r+1) \times (2\cdot r+1)$ matrix mat. Is there a better way to extract it's central element, rather than ...
lesobrod's user avatar
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Generate a table of elements whose number is equal to prime numbers

I have a list of words (strings) same as ...
monfneg's user avatar
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Randomly replace some letters in words with hyphen

I have a list containing some related words ...
monfneg's user avatar
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Find the feasible solutions of a minimal path set of vectors

Finding the feasible solutions for vectors representing minimum paths based on the mathematical basis: First example I need to create the constraints according to equations (1) and (2) above: ...
Emad kareem's user avatar
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Max and Transpose in the Probability of a Union

If I have the code that gives the probability of the sum in general ...
Emad kareem's user avatar
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Probability of a union with probability function of vector

I want to calculate the probability of a discrete random variable. ...
Emad kareem's user avatar
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Apply an equation based on two sets with different indexes

Apply an equation based on two sets with different indexes Simple example If I have the following elements in the form of two sets with different indexes: $m=\{m_1,m_2,m_3,m_4,m_5\}=\{1,2,2,2,1\}$ $p=\...
Emad kareem's user avatar
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How can I sort all levels except the innermost level?

How can I sort all levels except the innermost level? The number of levels is unknown. For example: list = {{{d, c}, {b, a}}, {{4, 3}, {2, 1}}} If we needed to ...
internet's user avatar
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Other methods extract the x-coordinates and y-coordinates from a list of multiple coordinate values and list them separately in two individual lists? [closed]

x={0.04,0.06,0.04,0.08,0.08,0.05,0.05,0.07,0.07,0.06} y={0.25,0.4,0.22,0.54,0.51,0.34,0.36,0.46,0.42,0.4} The two lists above represent sets of x-coordinates and y-...
csn899's user avatar
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Filling the areas enclosed by two curves and calculate them

I know that there are plenty of posts on this, but I just cannot find the right one that solves my issue. The issue is that I have two datasets that I plot them using ...
KratosMath's user avatar
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