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Questions tagged [linguistics]

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to run GrammarApply offline?

It is a question regarding formal grammar. I have a grammar rule addition as below:- ...
H42's user avatar
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How does the SpellingCorrectionList function work? (with confusing example)

I tried the SpellingCorrectionList function on some chunks of code strings to get translation suggestions. The results are kind of wild. I understand guesses are not going to be great on a string of ...
kleinerde's user avatar
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Making a histogram of a dictionary

I am trying to make a histogram of the dictionary where each bin is how many characters in a word, and the height is the frequency of words with that many characters. I'd like to make one for the ...
Carlos Mario Cabrera's user avatar
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Is WordStem available for German?

The WordStem function looks very useful to me. Is there a way to use it for non-English words?
Karsten W.'s user avatar
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Error in function `WordList` in version 12.1

I want to list the number of different kinds of words in the English dictionary (Version 12.1 for Win10 (64-bit)): ...
A little mouse on the pampas's user avatar
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Filtering word data nouns by subfield?

I am making string combinations using WordData and would like to filter all nouns that come from a specific professional specialization. For example, the nouns in ...
tdgutierrez's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to get a list of all words from an unabridged dictionary?

I wanted to do something that Donald Knuth did. He entered a contest to make as many words as possible out of the phrase/string "Ziegler's Giant Bar". The judges master list had 2 500 words. ...
Peter Burbery's user avatar