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Why does `MakeBoxes` have the HoldAllComplete attribute and ignore it rather than HoldAll?

MakeBoxes has the attribute HoldAllComplete. For a normal function, it would imply that Upvalues should not be taken into account when the expression is evaluated: <...
Juan Mauricio Matera's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Code indenting of // postfix functions

Preamble Following the recommendation of a presentation or article which I now only vaguely remember I have been experimenting with a particular code format: ...
Mr.Wizard's user avatar
  • 273k
8 votes
1 answer

Set PlotTheme globally?

Can one set a default PlotTheme globally? While I recognize one can make lots of workarounds to sort of do this: Go to ...
Jagra's user avatar
  • 14.6k
3 votes
1 answer

Why is left NumberPadding always applied in NumberForm?

I would like to display numbers like 9.0001 and 10.0001 in the fixed-width form of xx.xxxx. ...
ArgentoSapiens's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Why does Mathematica order polynomial forms in reverse from traditional order?

I could very well be missing something obvious, but this has always bugged me with Mathematica and I don't know why it does it or how to fix it. If I enter any polynomial, say, x^2 + x - 1 for ...
Brendan's user avatar
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