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Editing user input in a InputField

I am trying to format the user input in an InputField so that the input is formatted and then displayed back to the user, within the InputField. ...
Ryan Lobjoit's user avatar
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How do I do calculations with data from user input?

I'm pretty new to mathematica and I'd like to create a little program that takes user input as variables which it then uses to do some calculations. I have the following code: ...
Tim's user avatar
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Giving the input focus to a particular input field

A couple of versions of Mathematica ago there was discussion of how one can set focus on a particular input field: How to set focus of a dialog window?
user90346's user avatar
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How to keep Mouseover visible while control has focus/cursor?

I have a DateObject and InputField that I am using to collect an inputted date. Mouseover ...
Edmund's user avatar
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Modifying generalized input so there is no default input

I'm currently working on a demonstration and attempting to utilize the Interpretation command based on the example provided in the "Generalized Input" tutorial here....
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