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How do I create a n*n matrix with a Do loop? [closed]

I'm trying to create an n*n matrix that would follow this criteria ...
Iris Garza's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to prevent a definition from overwriting my input

I developed the following manipulate code to be a limited knockoff of Polking's dfield. I export the code to Enterprise CDF so that one may type a first-order ODE into the input box and create a slope ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Dynamically Updating Function

I use Mathematica 8 and am working with DynamicModule. I'm trying to enter a function in an InputField then later apply it to two values entered in subsequent Input Fields. The function just does not ...
Shaggy1135's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Using an InputField to define a function to compose with a sequence

I am still trying to figure out Mathematica (started early August). I am trying to write a program that will accept an arbitrary function and an arbitrary sequence that can start at an arbitrary ...
RKennedy's user avatar