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Questions tagged [inputfield]

Questions about the Mathematica control type InputField.

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Editing user input in a InputField

I am trying to format the user input in an InputField so that the input is formatted and then displayed back to the user, within the InputField. ...
Ryan Lobjoit's user avatar
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How do you stop InputField from expanding to show all text in the field?

I recently updated to Mathematica 14 and InputField now behaves differently. I want to paste large amounts of data into an input field, and I don't want the input ...
Charles Farnum's user avatar
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Manipulate and InputField Behavior

I'm trying to understand InputField behavior when used with Manipulate. Here a small example: ...
AlanR's user avatar
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How can I have a dynamic number of InputForms that grows as I add to it?

I'm trying to write a program where it starts with one input field, and if I fill out that input field, then another input field gets added below the first one and if I fill that one out another ...
Xylochoron's user avatar
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How do I keep the prompt status in InputField even after I run it?

The following code remains in the prompt state within the InputField after execution. ...
Milk's user avatar
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How do I clear out-of-quote content from a Boxes-type InputField?

I have this code as a test. ...
Milk's user avatar
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Can I limit the mouse prompt position in InputField? [duplicate]

I wrote the Manipulate code in double quotation marks in InputField. Manipulate[str, Style[Control@{str, " "}, 20]] Above, I can create a prompt status ...
Milk's user avatar
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How to maintain the input form of InputField?

I created a Manipulate with InputField: ...
Milk's user avatar
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Wolfram Player Behavior Issues in InputField Saved as an Enterprise CDF

I want to enter a code in the form of StandardForm in InputField. And I want to print out the calculation result for the input code. ...
Milk's user avatar
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How to set the width of InputField in tables with dynamical content?

I have written the following code to generate the table that is shown below. ...
JuanC97's user avatar
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How to make the association's keys viewable by opener in input cell in editable form?

I have an association as follows (the actual association has hundreds of keys): ...
user13892's user avatar
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Dynamic text input of equation for graphing

I'd like a simple interface where the user can input (by text) a function $f(x)$, and then the function, its even part, and its odd part are all plotted on the same axes. I'd also like PlotLegend to ...
David G. Stork's user avatar
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How to enter the following number to InputDialog form?

Consider some input field: ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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How to set up the Enter, Shift+Enter feature in InputField?

When InputField was set to String, I found a way to change the line of the sentence by pressing Enter. In this case, how does the calculation run when the Shift+Enter key is pressed? ...
Milk's user avatar
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Dynamic data filter using InputField

I would like to filter data in the table dynamically. Here is the example of the code: ...
Филипп Цветков's user avatar
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How to automatically put the keyboard focus in the InputField of a newly created dialog window?

Suppose I want my code to pop up a dialog window containing an InputField and automatically put the keyboard focus there so it's ready and waiting to accept user ...
jjoIV's user avatar
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A bug in InputField of type Expression?

I have a problem with a simple InputField of type Expression: ...
Alexey Popkov's user avatar
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InputField - change text alignment to center

Is it possible to align text in InputField Right/Centered? (Seems Left is default) Seems there is no alignment option for InputField. What I want is center - More specifically, Real-time centered : I ...
imida k's user avatar
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InputField : only integer or list of integers in a specific range

I'm making a dynamic structure which reads some output from a FEM program (node results). I'd like an inputfield in which I specify the number(s) of the nodes I am interested in. The value of the ...
Jocelyn Minini's user avatar
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How to create a bootstrap style InputField?

I am trying to create a bootstrap style InputField in Mathematica. Here is what I've done so far: ...
Sâu's user avatar
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How can I create a PasteButton that changes its "contents" dynamically?

I'm trying to make a units palette to help with my various engineering courses. I thought about creating a "meta-palette" of sorts, maybe one that changes on the fly, or one where I can ...
Juan Manuel's user avatar
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How to set focus in a dynamic graphic with InputFields

Happy New Year! I am trying to set cursor focus in this timetable application. When the minutes are all entered the activity blocks resize. Tabbing out of the minutes field moves focus to the ...
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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Accessing InputFields within dynamic graphics without multiple clicks

I'm trying to write a timetable application. (The activity blocks are to be resizable and reorderable.) A problem I have run into, which might be a showstopper for this approach, is that entering ...
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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InputField and TreeForm problem

I want to use the expression enter by the user and form the Tree, so I did TreeForm[test] as the picture show but it's not working. But if I do it manually, it works. Can anyone explain to me why ...
David's user avatar
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how to change the background of the Inputfield

I am using 12.1, in the documentation, it says I can change the background of the InputField. I have tried ...
bakerryd123's user avatar
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Focus on `InputField` upon creation? [duplicate]

Let's say we create an input field as InputField[] After hitting enter, the input field appears in the output area below, however the focus in the notebook jumps ...
Kagaratsch's user avatar
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Initialize Global variables with manipulate

I would like to use the result from a dynamic matrix for calculation, but I don't know how to return a global variable from manipulate. Please help me, I'm new to mathematica. Any suggestion would be ...
Quang Trần Minh's user avatar
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InputField with carriage return in cloud notebooks?

I'm looking for a way of constructing a multi-line InputField in a cloud notebook. That is, a text field that supports the following five behaviors: The 'Enter' ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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"How to create an auto updated FieldCompletionFunction

I'd like to have an InputField with "dynamic" word autocompletion from a list : if I start to type some letters in the field I want the autocomplete suggestion updated. To do that I use the following ...
Dalnor's user avatar
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Updating a Dynamic variable based on another variable's change

In a dynamic interface, I am using a custom replacement for InputField that tracks two things separately: The value of the variable that is input. The boxes that ...
Kevin Ausman's user avatar
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Having three Control Objects for the same Dynamic variable which can override eachother

I'm creating an application with Dynamics for calculating and plotting circular orbits. It allows the user to set a custom radius, giving them an option to either use an InputField as well as a ...
Donalf's user avatar
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Input field with a value that persists between sessions

Ultimately, I would like to have input field that will remember in front-end its last session value, while its related variable should not be local and should be dynamic. Input field will be put in a ...
Schepy's user avatar
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InputField, PasteButton, and Check not playing nicely with each other

Context Added to End In a previous question, I was looking for a way for an InputField to maintain the input structure of expressions so as to allow the user's ...
Kevin Ausman's user avatar
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InputField with Boxes-held formatting fails inside Dynamic

This is an outgrowth of an earlier question. I have an extensive user interface that has InputFields that I want to hold their specific structure as input by the user (e.g., keeping scientific ...
Kevin Ausman's user avatar
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Hold[Expression] (or similar) in InputField that truly holds the input unmodified

I am trying to design a user interface where the specific form that the user enters in InputFields are left unchanged. For example, if the user puts in a number in scientific notation, it would be ...
Kevin Ausman's user avatar
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How to create and name variables using Manipulate and InputField?

I have a function F(x1,x2,...,xi;y1,y2,...,yj) such that the xi are the variables and the yj are other parameters (as constants) of the same function. I need that: ...
Tomás Valencia's user avatar
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Dynamic InputField with syntax highlighting?

I'm trying to create a notebook where a user can enter a Mathematica expression, and its syntax is analyzed (number of tokens, compressed size, etc.). Trying this answer, ...
lirtosiast's user avatar
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Local variables in DynamicModule affected by outside evaluation

I was trying to use DynamicModule to create a Input cell that contains a variable assignment, where the variable name is given ...
Louis Yu's user avatar
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FieldCompletionFunction consumes a lot of CPU in Graphics

The output of this code consumes a lot of CPU. Graphics@Inset@InputField[1,FieldCompletionFunction->({"a","b"}&)] I found this occurs when ...
Fuga's user avatar
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How to open consecutive dialogs [closed]

I am new using mathematica so I would really appreciate your help. I want to open this dialog: ...
Lindsey's user avatar
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How do I size a Manipulate input field when using Control?

I'm building a Manipulate object and I need to reduce the width of the input fields for improved usability. I've tried everything I can, and I don't seem to be able to get it. Everything points to ...
Infinity3's user avatar
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InputField enabled or disabled with two dynamic variables

Dynamic has been really useful for me but it is as well not easy to understand also. I am doing a calculation where I want some of the input fields enabled or disabled depending on where I am in the ...
Erdem's user avatar
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Hide part of a CompoundElement in a FormPage

I have a FormPage I am working on that uses CompoundElement to structure the output. In most cases, I want the user to be able ...
kickert's user avatar
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Is it possible to add a title to the inputfield

I was wondering if it is possible to add a title to InputField As far as I know, you can only add a FieldHint, this one will disappear however as soon as the ...
julsto's user avatar
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Colour panel upon condition of an input field

I have something like a "mortgage calculator", and I now want to colour the panel depending on the inputs that the user has made in my input fields. This would be the code: ...
julsto's user avatar
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How to speed up a text search widget?

I have an InputField that searches a predefined list for matching strings and displays them in a TextGrid. But when the list is ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How to save values in dynamic fields?

I created a notebook with this line: Grid[{{InputField[Dynamic[x]], Dynamic[x^2]}}] Then, I filled a certain value instead of "x". Then, I closed Mathematica ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Operations with list of numbers via InputField

How do you input a list of numbers via InputField and immediately generate their sum (or whatever other operation involving a list of numbers) underneath. I've ...
useranonis's user avatar
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ToExpression with variable from InputField won't work

My code looks like this: Column[{InputField[Dynamic[x], String, ContinuousAction -> True], ToExpression[Dynamic[x]], Dynamic[Head[x]]}] When I intentionally ...
useranonis's user avatar
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Manipulating Input Fields/Inputting Single Letters (Edited)

I'm curious whether if there is a method of creating InputFields that are similar to this: I am currently attempting to create a crossword puzzle that has an interface like this, and I found it ...
user52616's user avatar
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