Questions tagged [input-alias]

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List of all recipes of mathematical notation

Where can I find all the recipes of mathematical notations? Or the ways of direct input of the traditional forms? Not convert to traditional forms, but input them directly. For example, the recipe for ...
Curious Cat's user avatar
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Is it safe to alias a ResourceFunction with a symbol of the same name?

The following will show how easy I alias Ding which is my very first ResourceFunction and it works very well. ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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Input Aliases like dintt, sumt, etc are missing

Earlier today I was using Mathematica when I realized the definite integral Input Alias (typed as esc dintt esc) was missing. Upon further investiation I also noticed that similar aliases like sumt, ...
Partial Science's user avatar
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How can i remove all SetOptions?

I downloaded some package. They give new Aliases such as "braket" notation. But i hope to reset everything. they have so many options, it is not easy to remove individually. I mean that i ...
MAN HEA KIM's user avatar
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Can Notebooks Inherit Options through Stylesheets?

Motivation: Is there some way to bundle notebook-level options such as InputAliases into a stylesheet, so that notebooks styled with it inherit those options? ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Code from Mathematica and Condensed Matter does not work [closed]

I found some interesting code from , ( in Jason Harris material (save into the same folder).zip, jharrisPorto2010/Porto 2010.nb) the last two pages (39 and 40) contain ...
Junjie Yang's user avatar
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Turn PasteButton into keyboard shortcut

I'm looking for a general "recipe" to do with a keyboard shortcut what I currently do with a PasteButton. Here is a working toy example ...
mathheadinclouds's user avatar
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Turning off or modifying the displayed Code Assist value for a specific input alias

Short Version: How do I turn off (or specify a simple replacement for) Code Assist predictive-interface for a specific input alias? Longer Version: Using the Notation package I have put together a ...
Kevin Ausman's user avatar
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ActionMenu with blank entries until mouseover

Note: The code below requires version 12.0. Problem Overview: I am having some strange behavior with an ActionMenu, where the items in the menu don't show up until the mouse passes over them, as ...
Kevin Ausman's user avatar
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Looking for alternative to programmatically-generated palette

Short version of the question: Is there a way to have an escape-sequence alias (or user-defined keyboard shortcut) pop up a dialog box or other type of input structure allowing the selection of a ...
Kevin Ausman's user avatar
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Display form for numerical integration (like `\[Esc] dintt \[Esc]`)?

When I use the alias \[Esc] dintt \[Esc] to pretty print a definite integral in my notebook, it actually stands for ...
Yrogirg's user avatar
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How to input superscript without using Superscript[x,y]? [duplicate]

Just as the title, how can I input superscript without using Superscript[x,y]? To be more specific, I'm not trying to type Power ...
xjtan's user avatar
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How to set InputAlias for all future notebooks that are opened in current session?

This code (SetOptions[#1, InputAliases -> {"xx" -> "X"}] & ) /@ Notebooks[]; will define the alias [esc]xx[esc] to ...
QuantumDot's user avatar
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Remove extra space between commas in subscripts generated by InputAlias

There are (unwanted) extra spaces between comma separators that are generated when I create an alias with subscript. Here is the code I am using: ...
QuantumDot's user avatar
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Symbolize Subscript doesn't work

I want Mathematica to interpret subscripted variables as symbols. I found documentation suggesting the Notation package could do this, but if I do: ...
PeMa's user avatar
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46 votes
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Input Aliases in Mathematica 10

Bug introduced in 10.0.0 and persisting through 12.0. In Mathematica 9, typing in an input alias such as intt would result in the keyboard cursor automatically ...
1110101001's user avatar
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Creating a function that can be called like the definite integral template (dintt)

The definite integral template takes 4 arguments as can be seen here: Is it possible to make a function that can be called in the same kind of way? For example is it possible to make this call a ...
Tyilo's user avatar
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Esc-esc for special characters and autocomplete in Mathematica 9 [duplicate]

I recently upgraded to Mathematica 9 and have noticed a slightly annoying behavior that I was looking to remedy. In the past I would type special characters, e.g. ...
Guillochon's user avatar
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11 votes
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When should I use Apply (or Function) and when @@ (or &)?

This is a rather general question, which I fail to answer myself. I guess it is mainly due to my insufficient knowledge of the precise terms. If I understand correctly, the following are equivalent: ...
Dror's user avatar
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Input alias having a place holder which gets selected when the alias is used

If one executes the following code ...
Hector's user avatar
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