Questions tagged [entity]

Questions about Entity expressions and the use of standardized representations of specific real-world entities.

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OceanData not deep enough or just too deep for me?

It's exciting to see Mathematica/Wolfram Alpha addressing the marine realm in Version 12.2. Evidently, I was unaware that such data existed since Version 12.0 introduced in 2019. However, I have two ...
Stuart Poss's user avatar
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How to determine population from a list of arbitrary jurisdictions (cities, states, counties, et al.)?

I am an aspiring data scientist who's working on a passion project, namely to assign danger-level scores to police departments in the United States. One specific metric I'm developing results from ...
uselesslemma's user avatar
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Having trouble getting map data for the Maldive Islands

I change the island and GeoRange from the example, but it shows the error, can anyone help me with that? Follow link as the original example(The first and second pictures) : ...
JOHN's user avatar
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Why cannot I get MaldiveIslands EntityClass?

Why cannot I get MaldiveIslands EntityClass?
JOHN's user avatar
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How to identify gender and family roles of characters in novel excerpts?

I am playing with Natural language programming in Mathematica, and can't figure out how to extract the entity classes (i.e. male, female) for the following example text: "This was a pleasant ...
MiKK's user avatar
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EntityValue evaluation behaviour

I'm puzzled by a behaviour of EntityValue, where I find it being unevaluated. Here is a minimal example. Consider the following custom ...
Stephan's user avatar
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7 votes
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How can I get material property data past what's provided via ElementData[], ChemicalData[], etc.?

Background Let's say I want information (e.g. bulk modulus or space group) on an element or chemical compound that isn't available via e.g. ElementData[], ...
Sterling's user avatar
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Can I get atomization energy of a chemical?

A pretty basic property of a chemical is the atomization energy. Another similar property is the heat of formation. I'm looking at ...
user54038's user avatar
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When looking at a chemical's bond lengths, which bonds do they represent?

Looking at, for example, the bond lengths of styrene: ...
user54038's user avatar
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EntityValue timeout

Bug in 12.1.1 and possibly earlier versions Acknowledged by WRI as an issue CASE:4617646. ...
Rohit Namjoshi's user avatar
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Obtaining underlying nutrition data from "NutritionLabel"

I would like to extract the underlying nutritional data contained in "NutritionLabel" output from Wolfram Alpha for all of the "Vegetables" defined in the "BasicFoodGroup"...
MSC02476's user avatar
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EntityFunction for Relational Database error [closed]

I am a student and I am new of Mathematica. I am working with relational databases and I am following the guide "Relational Database quick start" find here:
Daniele F's user avatar
4 votes
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Is TimeZoneOffset broken?

I just realized that code like this: TimeZoneOffset[Entity["City",{"SaoPaulo","SaoPaulo","Brazil"}],0,{2020,1,1}] does not return a timezone value anymore. I am ...
Albert Retey's user avatar
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EntityClass Downloading Speedup

Running this command. Trying to get all cities more than 1 million people in US. ...
prog9910's user avatar
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Why am I getting incorrect result from EntityClass?

Suppose I want get 6 largest companies by market capitalization. I try the class using the old syntax: ...
user13892's user avatar
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How to Return All Mathematica Functions in a Domain

We know that Names["System*"] and WolframLanguageData[] both return the list of all System or "native" functions. Is there a ...
Ghersic's user avatar
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Can one update entities in a custom EntityStore?

As far as I can see from the documentation there is no upsert (update-insert) if you have created/registered a custom store. The only way seems to re-register the whole store if you wish to upsert ...
Francois Vanderseypen's user avatar
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How to use normal Entity functions on new ExternalIdentifier objects (e.g. Wikidata)?

Is there any way to use the built-in EntityXXX on ExternalIdentifier objects? For me, it's more intuitive and easier to use <...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How to search an entity list?

I'm using the Wolfram General Topology EntityStore. From it, how would I search EntityList["GeneralTopologyTheorem"] to find, ...
murray's user avatar
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Speeding up postgres queries in v12.1?

New in v12.1 is the ability to connect to Postgres. I have a Postgresql database with a few million images (stored as byte data). Each image retrieval is ~10 seconds, so I need to speed it up! But how ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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RelationalDatabases and dates (Mathematica 12)

As related to the new database functionality in version 12, I am trying to retrieve a specific entity (row) or group of entities (multiple rows) between a date range in an MS SQL database. The ...
MathematicaUser's user avatar
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Extract Velocities from Qualified EntityValue output

I have following statement: EntityValue["Planet", "VelocityAroundSun", {"Date" -> DateObject[{2020, 2, 19}, "Day", "Gregorian", 1.]}] and get the required ...
Jacq's user avatar
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Why is GeoHistogram messing with the Bins?

Consider some precise location data as follows: ...
user13892's user avatar
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Make it fast to answer lots of similar Entity questions

I've done a EntityPrefetch[EntityClass["ZIPCode"]] but I'm not at all sure it's helped. I want to get every zip-code's address. The obvious way to do this is: <...
Patrick Stevens's user avatar
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How to manipulate date in SQL via the EntityFramework?

I have an MicrosoftSQL Server database connected to entity framework as follows: ...
user13892's user avatar
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How to add the custom polygon to Entities?

Suppose I get the polygon data using the method here: How to get Polygon for a city from GeoJSON? Now how do I add it to the Entities so they make use of it? I ...
user13892's user avatar
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How to map a list of entities into a function?

x = RandomChoice[CountryData[]] Here I have defined x to be a random country. ...
Mona's user avatar
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How to change list type from CountryData to regular text? [closed]

When you access a list of countries from CountryData the outputs are boxed and is not normal text. How do I convert the type of items inside the list so I can modify the style? For example I have: <...
Mona's user avatar
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Icons in the Entity store

with Mathematica 12 there are Icon entities. I was looking for standard Icons like Weight (standard kilogram icon) but could not find any. I have no clue what icons are available and the number of ...
Lou's user avatar
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Identify and Assign Values to Regions in the Map

so I want to do a simulation of the spread of a certain disease in California with spatial considerations. As such, in order to carry out the PDE calculation, I will need to extract the region of ...
Yincheng Liu's user avatar
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Dataset function and related gadgets not ideal for large datasets

There's a performance bottleneck when using these types of functions. If I had a large CSV file and were to import it as a regular 'unstructured' CSV, I save almost half the time importing the file, ...
goodheart's user avatar
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Obtain complete list of built-in graphical objects, and split them into groups?

I would like to obtain the complete listing of built-in graphical objects (which can be used in Graphics or Graphics3D) ...
Alexey Popkov's user avatar
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How can I filter an EntityClass by _not_ having a property?

With Mathematica 12, I can create implicit Entity Classes like: I can also filter for having exactly a specific property, like so It seems quite trivial, but I can't seem to filter by a property not ...
Stephan's user avatar
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Using Wolfram Language for Non-Relational (NoSQL) Data Storage

I've got a relatively small amount of personal data I'd like to try to store and manipulate within the WolframWorld (tm forthcoming). It's not enough data to spin up a MongoDB instance, but since each ...
kale's user avatar
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how to download and clear entity framework data?

Firstly I want to know when executing queries like, ...
user13892's user avatar
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ZipCode data for historical dates

I am trying to get historical values of certain properties of a ZIPCode entity. To get the current data I write: ...
user66152's user avatar
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How complete is the financial statement data?

Has anyone here looked at CompanyData or Entity["Company",All]? Are both of them the same data but just a different interface ...
user13892's user avatar
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Implicitly defined EntityClass does not work

When studying how I can use the Wolfram Data Framework on a database on my private computer I found a curious problem. I created an ...
Fred Simons's user avatar
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When working with derived entity class what is the EntityValue equivalent of EntityList?

Suppose I am working with the following derived entity class. ...
user13892's user avatar
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How to merge two entity classes with same structure?

Suppose I am looking for file formats associated with markup languages. Lets say I would like to first find out about the ones which are web associated. I look at the ...
user13892's user avatar
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How to delete downloaded data from a particular entity class?

I have a function below which downloads an entire entity class as a local copy on the system in a single query, so any further queries don't have to be send to the online server. ...
user13892's user avatar
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Converting Datasets into EntityStores: best practice?

The advent of the family of *edEntityClass functions in V12 looks very promising. Dataset and its related queries are ideal for ...
Ronald Monson's user avatar
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How to get company dataset in original currency?

I have obtained the financial data of a company using Entity["Company", ...]["Dataset"]: ...
Flux's user avatar
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Is there a limit to the amount of curated data that can be retrieved?

Mathematica provides access to curated data on many entities. For access to some of the curated data (e.g. current exchange rates), users must have an internet connection. Is there a limit (i.e. quota)...
Flux's user avatar
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How to get time series data from Entity["Company",...]?

In my notebook, I have a cell that displays AT&T's revenue for one particular year (the year 2010): ...
Flux's user avatar
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How to get a list of all known classes?

I'd like a function that returns a stringified entity at random. I can't seem to find a full list of classes from which to sample:
M.R.'s user avatar
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Why do some Administrative Divisions fail to translate into Entities?

I am trying to prime the following list into a database to run some geo-stats: ...
Thadeu Freitas Filho's user avatar
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What are the benefits of Entity Classes for Databases?

To me, using the older database functionality is much simpler: ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How can I create my own entity type with dated properties?

I tried to create my own entity type in which entities have dated properties. But I can't find any helpful documentation on that matter. And every try failed. I tried ...
Y. Kwon's user avatar
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How to do a database query on substrings?

With the package DatabaseLink I can open a connection to my MYSQL database. Then I can use SQL commands like ...
Fred Simons's user avatar
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