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Questions tagged [drawing]

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1 vote
0 answers

Plotting of Lorenz and Bonferroni graphs

enter image description hereHow to draw the Lorenz (𝐿𝐹 (𝑡)) and Bonferroni (𝐵𝐹 (𝑡)) curves for the given distribution with 3D version with interpretation with varying parameters, and when the ...
1 vote
3 answers

Lattices drawings

I want to generate an image in order to explain a construction. The construction is the following. Start from a finite-sized 2D square lattice, create 3 copies of the starting lattice and place them ...
6 votes
3 answers

How can I draw this image and if you can make it rotate horizontally and vertically?

I've been looking at the site, but it doesn't occur to me there was a method to obtain the coordinates of the image, but I can't find it. Could you give me a hand? It's for a poster of the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Additive graphs code

For $n\geq 1$ the fibonacci sum graph on the set $[n]=\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ denoted by $G_n$, is the graph with vertex set $[n]$ and edge set $\{uv, u+v=F_i, \text{for some}\quad i\}$. I wrote the ...
2 votes
2 answers

Extract data coordinates from a line list plot

I used the below simple data (including 10 x-y data) and function ListLinePlot to draw a figure. The figure is this: Now I want to export a data x-y coordinates list which includes 100 x-y data at ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to create a graph in Mathematica with a specific style similar to the official documentation?

(Edited) I am trying to create some 3D objects in Mathematica that have a similar style to the ones in the official documentation. For example: Below are some graphs on the "Physically Based ...
8 votes
3 answers

Draw half arrow

I would like to draw in Mathematica two half arrows next to each other. Something like this: Here is my attempt: ...
3 votes
1 answer

How do I invoke the freehand line tool (f key) programmatically in an attached cell containing a canvas?

I created the following code that overlays an attached cell containing a large canvas on top of a notebook. This allows me to use the drawing tools on top of my notebook so that I can annotate code ...
0 votes
1 answer

generate right triangles of different measures with an unknown data

hello (edited and clarified) Could you help me improve this code to generate at least 10 "slightly larger" right triangles, but with small random data between 1 and 20 on two of the sides, ...
2 votes
2 answers

Drawing two figures with directed lines specified by arrows

Can someone please help me to draw the attached figure in Mathematica?
4 votes
3 answers

Writing code for a diagram

Could anyone please help in writing the code for the following diagram in Mathematica? Note: I want a simple code in Mathematica without using an external package.
6 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of StrokeForm?

Symbol System`StrokeForm is present already in Mathematica version 8 (but not in version 5.2). Currently, it is used in built-in themes, for example: ...
2 votes
1 answer

Table of surface Parametric draw

I'm trying to reproduce this kind of graph for a spherical cap, with different span ratios. I tried with this: ...
4 votes
1 answer

How can I draw a ruler?

I would like to draw a ruler in the vertical position. Ideally, the numbers are horizontal and I can choose begin, end and steps (eg from 1000 to 1200 with steps of 10).
2 votes
2 answers

Mapping picture, rotate

I'm trying to do this. it doesn't have to be the same.
0 votes
1 answer

Command the draw a graph [closed]

Let $G$ be a simple undirected graph. Let the set of vertices be $V=\lbrace 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\rbrace $, and let the edges set be $E=\lbrace (a, b): a\text{ divides }b\text{ or }b\text{ ...
9 votes
1 answer

Can not edit font on drawing tool

I am simply trying to add some text to a plot via the drawing tool, but it seems the text style options are fixed at some default setting and will not change. You can see in the following picture that ...
12 votes
1 answer

Art on Mathematica: How can I export 4K resolution png images?

This question is solely based upon $[1]$ and therefore, the reading of $[1]$ could be interesting. How can I export the image created, by the code in the following, with high definition, beautiful, 4K ...
0 votes
1 answer

Draw specific polynomial with given roots by reading roots from txt file

i am new to mathimathica and i just can do basic things with it. i have a file.txt that contains roots of two polynomials $p(x),q(x)$. both polynomials have the same degre and first n numbers are ...
10 votes
2 answers

Art on mathematica with filled circles and straight paths: how can I reproduce minimalist suns?

I would like to know: how can I construct minimalist images like this one?
7 votes
4 answers

Drawing hollow disks in 3D with an sphere in center and small spheres on the rings

I was trying to draw the following logo of an atom using Mathematica, but I could only figure out how to draw intersecting ellipses, not a nice logo like below. Do you have any idea? And is ...
4 votes
0 answers

Drawing tools eyedropper crashes Mathematica 12.1 with MengerMesh

Mathematica 12.1.1 under macOS Catalina 10.15.7. In a new notebook, evaluate: MengerMesh[0, 3] Click once on the output's graphic image, which causes the bounding ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to find the number of cells that one point can be in?

I draw the attached plot drawn with the following code. Each color represents a cell. How can I find the average number of cells that one user (any point within the square) can be in? By average I ...
4 votes
2 answers

How to draw a parenthesis-like shape?

Can't quite figure out how to draw the shape below with Lines and make them play nice at the vertices where they meet. I currently have three lines of different thicknesses, but it's clearly not ...
4 votes
5 answers

Generate code from figure modification obtained through Drawing tools

Sometimes it is useful to use the Drawing tools palette for adding a label, line or arrow to a graph. Unfortunately when remaking the plot the modifications are not present. Is there a way to ...
0 votes
0 answers

drawing tools don't work [duplicate]

I'm using Mathematica version 12.0 and just starting using the drawing tools. Everything seemed to be working well until it didn't. Mathematica crashed and when I restarted, I no longer could see ...
2 votes
0 answers

PolygonCoordinates extract the submits in the "wrong" order

I don't understand why, in the example below, PolygonCoordinates seems unable to correctly extract the summits of a rectangle in the "right" order so we can ...
5 votes
2 answers

How to draw the outline of an icon made of several polygons?

I have an icon defined like that: speakerIcon = Graphics[{ Triangle[{{0, -1}, {1,1},{-1,1}}], Rectangle[{-1, -1},{1, 0}] }, ImageSize->20] I can ...
18 votes
1 answer

Making a graph or network interactively over an image

Given an image, is it possible to manually draw a graph over it? For example, taking the following image: I want to manually pick the vertices and draw the edges in a "Paint-like" manner to get, for ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to author a workflow?

I find the workflow refpages in the doc center very helpful, and I'd like to make some of my own: Workflows seem to be notebooks of "Text" and ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I put a sign for "angle alpha 40°" into a Graphics[Triangle ..]] like in Mathworld "Triangle"?

How can one place the description/symbol "Alpha 40°" into the corner of a triangle drawn by Graphics/Triangle as it can be seen in the texts and drawings of Mathworld for example like one can see if ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to draw different colors on a 2D plot with color depending on xy coordinates?

I'm making a composite 2D plot, combining different types of plots (Graphics, ListPlot etc.) with ...
1 vote
0 answers

FeynArts is not plotting Propagator labels/fields

I am trying to use FeynArts to generate two feynman diagrams (one for electron scattering, and one for higgs->bb w/ VGF). On the first I can't seem to figure out how to get labels or arrows, not get ...
3 votes
0 answers

Best way to draw personalized bloch sphere on mathematica

I would like, for presentation purpose, to be able to draw sphere with vectors inside (basically I need to work with Bloch spheres). For example this kind of results : I need to be able to add ...
0 votes
1 answer

Plotting 256 hexagons inside a big hexagon

I wonder how can I draw 256 hexagons inside a big hexagon? I want the 256 hexagons to have different colours, namely: 1 black, 8 red, 28 blue, 56 orange, 70 green, 56 yellow, 28 purple, 8 cyan, and 1 ...
2 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to draw a hollow circle using polygon?

The question is simple. I have the following commands ...
0 votes
0 answers

2D Torsional Spring [duplicate]

I need help to draw an animated circular 2D spring. I'd like to define the spring like Spring[x_, y_, θ0sx_, θ0dx_, θsx_, θdx_], where: ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to draw a shaded elipse using drawing tools?

I'm trying to draw the following picture using drawing tools, but I could get just the arrows and points. As you can imagine, I'm a begginer at mathematica, but I use LaTeX. I'd like to know if there ...
6 votes
1 answer

Can Mathematica create a sheet of virtual graph paper on which user can draw lines with the mouse?

Can Mathematica produce a sheet of virtual graph paper on which user can draw points and lines using the mouse? Some background for this question: I am taking a course at Coursera and the professors ...
1 vote
1 answer

Drawing an arrow and manipulating it in a diagram

I want to draw an arrow in a diagram which starts from a point, say, $(x,\,\sqrt{x^2+2})$ and ends up at a point, say, $(x',\,\sin{x^2})$. I want to manipulate or animate such an arrow. For example, ...
0 votes
2 answers

Drawing complex roots with Table[Graphics[]]

I'm trying to plot roots of a complex equation and have succeeded with drawing vectors to each root. Now I want to draw the heptagon from each root to the next, but I cannot figure out how to do this. ...
4 votes
1 answer

Drawing Tools - Get Coordinates: drag doesn't work

My Mathematica version is 10.3. When I drag with Get Coordinates function under the Drawing Tools it does not work. For example, I cannot mark a set of points along the path and cannot use alt-drag/...
0 votes
0 answers

Digitalizing hand-written graphs (vertices and edges) [duplicate]

Is there a way to draw a graph (vertices and edges) on a piece of paper, scan it (or take a photo) and turn it into a more computer-friendly description? (such as list of neighbours). It's much easier ...
1 vote
1 answer

Add a point at the x intercept

I am trying to add a point in a plot where the curve intercepts the x axis i.e. f[x] = 0 I tried doing an epilog inside an if statement in Plot[] , and it didn't work. here is my code so far ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to save a graph drawn with the drawing tool?

How do I save a graph that has been drawn with the drawing tool? As you can see from my screenshot, all the save buttons are disabled.
4 votes
1 answer

Draw: vector drawing & technical illustration application

I found this very sophisticated Draw application created entirely with the Wolfram Language: The documentation is available here:
9 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to "freehand draw" in Mathematica, and pick up the plotted data in real time?

What I want is to be able to draw some drawing with a simple pen tool (as with the Freehand Line from the Drawing Tools of Mathematica), while a script runs every time something is added to the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Smooth Curve using Drawing Tools Palette

I am learning to use the drawing tools palette that comes packaged with Mathematica. I'm attempting to create some diagrams for class using Mathematica's drawing tools rather than Adobe. Is there ...
0 votes
0 answers

Whole notebook slows down after opening Drawing Tools

Is there a way to create own, simplified toolbox that would perform faster? I found the toolbox source, but I'm looking for an example on how to extract methods for e.g. drawing lines.
0 votes
0 answers

Package for calculating feynman digrams from number of external points, vectices and propagators

I usually manually compute most of the Feynman diagrams that I need for my assignment by hand. But lately, I've had to deal with $O(\lambda^2)$ with interactions involving both $\phi^3$ and $\phi^4$. ...