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Simulating data from a piecewise pdf occasionally returns an error [duplicate]

In the following code, I generate data from a piecewise PDF. Usually, I get a sample size of ns, but sometimes I get an error message: Error: RandomVariate::unsdst:...
M. Mo's user avatar
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How to quickly sample from the following distributions

Consider the following distributions: ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Speeding up RandomVariate with custom probability distribution

I have the defined a custom distribution, which is a Gaussian where the exponent can be any real n greater than 0 (set to actually be >0.5 in use), i.e. ...
Xyive's user avatar
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Is there a difference between generating and loading data?

EDIT-1 This is a minimal example where an error occurs after 44538 samples generated in d1 upon importing as d2. Note that if <...
slow_learner's user avatar
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Sampling two integer lists of given sizes from a distribution that have equal sums

(This question emerged from discussions in this post.) Context and code sample: I am trying to figure out if there is a way to generate two $a$ and $b,$ comprised of $n_a$ and $n_b$ integers which ...
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Sampling data from numerical values of density distribution of nucleons

How could i sample my data which follows distribution if i have only numerical values of density distribution as an example data attached as in picture I tried but do not know how to do it. The data:...
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