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2 answers

Mathematica can't seem to handle Truncated BinormalDistribution when there is non-zero correlation coefficient

I would like to use Mathematica to analyze (e.g., compute moments, plot, etc) a truncated bivariate normal distribution. For example: ...
dvd8000's user avatar
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Calculation of an integral which involves distribution of data

I have some data as: ...
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Using NIntegrate to reproduce NProbability over joint Gaussian distribution

Consider a random vector {s,c} with a bivariate normal distribution. For a vector of positive scalars {a, ß, σz}, I'm interested ...
OO_SE's user avatar
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Combined probability function

I have two PDFs given by: ...
jpcgandre's user avatar
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Inaccuracy of the Difference between two $\chi^2$ Cummulative Distribution Functions

I have an algorithm which needs to calculate the difference of two Gamma distributions evaluated at some large values. I cannot do this over CDFs because they give $1$ if a large value is evaluated. ...
Seyhmus Güngören's user avatar
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Inconsistent integration results using expressions and unexplained imaginary numbers

Consider the following code (Mathematica 8): ...
GerardF123's user avatar
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Mathematica failing to compute function to calculate integral over a region bounded by straight line

Statement of the problem Consider the following situation: You have a model which employs a bivariate distribution with known parameters. You have a random realization from the distribution ...
GerardF123's user avatar
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Calculate mean normed distance and normed variance of cone-shaped distribution in N-dimensions

I would like to calculate the mean and variance of the normed distance of a cone-shaped distribution, $f(x) \propto \exp(-|x|)$, where $x\in\mathbb{R}^d$, where $d$ can be any positive integer. In ...
ben18785's user avatar
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Integrating a bivariate distribution over a region bounded by a straight line

Summary of problem: I'm using Mathematica version 8 to try to integrate the bivariate distribution over a region bounded by a straight line. The two random variables are uncorrelated. When I use ...
GerardF123's user avatar
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Limits for Triple Integration

I have 4 random variables: $p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4$ The joint probability distribution function of $p_1, p_2, p_3$ is: $f(p1,p2,p3) = p_1^{b_1 + x_1 - 1} p_2^{b_2 + x_2 - 1} p_3^{b_3 + x_3 - 1} (1-p_1-...
ProgSnob's user avatar
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Efficient computation of density of ratio of two normal random variables

I want to manipulate the density of the ratio of two normal random variables. One way to do this is: ...
OO_SE's user avatar
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More efficient method to compute moments of the Johnson $S_B$ distribution

Here is a very specific feature request. I need Mean[JohnsonDistribution["SB", γ, δ, 0, 1]] When I issue e.g. ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Extrapolation of area for a 2D integration

I have a set of points distributed almost uniformly in a certain area of a 2D plane as follow: An example of data points (orange) data = {{0.919443, 1.68921*10^-22}, {0.262277, 1.46747*10^-22}, {...
user47224's user avatar
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Performance in calculating maximum-likelihood- based estimates

My probability density function is a complicated one for which numerical estimation is necessary. Here my pdf: ...
Remi.b's user avatar
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When analytical and numerical methods do not agree - Case study with Maximum Likelihoods methods

Here is the probability distribution I am interested in: $$P(q)=C e^{4 n s q} q^{4 n \nu - 1} (1 - q)^{4 n \mu - 1}$$ , where $e$ is the constant of Euler and $C$ is constant so that the whole thing ...
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Using ImplicitRegion to define an ellipse around Multinormal distribution for integration

I have both a 2D 'MultinormalDistribution', and also a single xy point, and I would like to be able to calculate the probability of this point (given the multinormal distribution) and also plot an ...
anthr's user avatar
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How to solve for an Z-Score of a T-Distribution?

I'm looking for the Z-Score for a distribution, where the integrated area sums up to 0.90. Unfortunately I always get an error from Mathematica, "nonnumerical value"...
PeriodicProgrammer's user avatar