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4 votes
2 answers

How to speedup the integration of a tabulated function?

The problem Consider some pre-generated list with coordinates x1,x2,x3,x4 and values of some function ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Multi-NIntegral with a compiled function: Why not improved so much?

I want to compute the multi-dimensional integral by using NIntegral with the compiled function. I have compiled an integrand function. It made the computation time of the integrand about 100 times ...
shohei's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does the integration of this symbolic matrix slow down after compilation?

There's a symbolic matrix as the following. Why does the integration of the symbolic matrix slow down after compilation? How to eliminate the error information in red? Thanks. Note: The sample matrix ...
likehust's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Speed up averaging of numerically solved differential equations

I deals with a coupled system with non-linear differential equations of first order. I perform numerical solution with NDSolve and then use obtained solutions, <...
Artem Alexandrov's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why does NIntegrate become much faster if I evaluate a function, then compile it, then make it numerical?

I am using Mathematica for numerical integrals in optics. By accident, I found out that NIntegrate becomes faster by an order of magnitude for a function I'm integrating, if I take the following steps:...
KBS's user avatar
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1 answer

Replacement inside NIntegrate

I'm computing rather complicated expressions using NIntegrate, and for that, my integrand is created as some compiled function (to speed up evaluation). ...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
2 votes
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Gyrating particle transmission through rectangle: NIntegrate or something faster?

I need a function that tells me, what transmission a gyrating particle has through a rectangular aperture if you consider all phase angles. So for a specific guiding center position and gyration ...
Synchrotronus's user avatar
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NIntegrate fails with functions that have (necessarily) numeric lists as arguments

I'm not able to NIntegrate a function that has a numeric list as an argument. My original problem involves a compiled function, but a MWE is the following: ...
Luis's user avatar
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Compiled function and integration

I'm using the recursive functions defined here: MyFnc and myFncC (compiled version). I want to call this functions in the ...
z.v.'s user avatar
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integration of a list of gaussian type orbitals (GTO)

I am currently trying to integrate various components of a current density (j={jx,jy,jz}) over space. The problem is that the current j is extracted from a quantum chemical computation and is a sum of ...
J. Rouxel's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

NIntegrate-ing a compiled function

I'm trying to integrate numerically in 6 dimensions a very long expression and I read about the option to NIntegrate a compiled function which should be faster. ...
Andrei's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Numerical 3D Integration in Mathematica [closed]

My question in short is: Is it possible to make numerical 3D integration in mathematica efficiently? Or am I gonna have to move this to C++? I feel this problem is way too trivial to go to C++, so ...
The Quantum Physicist's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Using a compiled function inside NIntegrate gives "CompiledFunction::cfsa" message

The following function is defined for Real input: ...
pawel_winzig's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Speeding up numerical Fourier Transform

I wrote this function NFourierTransform, which takes a function $f(k)$ and numerically calculates the fourier transform integral for discrete values of $k \in [k_{\...
einbandi's user avatar
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how to nest parallelized computations on a cluster?

I am lucky to have access to a computational cluster and I could submit my job to many-many cores. As I need to evaluate a numerical integral within a numerical integral, I would like to know if I can ...
László's user avatar
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2 answers

nested numerical integration: not valid limits?

I encountered an error when I was hoping for some Mathematica (8.0.4) magic sparing me to code up numerical integration, function approximation and root-finding myself. The broader context and the ...
László's user avatar
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