Questions tagged [cloud-deploy]

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57 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Mathematica HPC on AWS vs. Azure

I am looking for advice on deploying Mathematica for HPC in an on-demand cloud environment. I occasionally have Mathematica projects that require parallel computing and large amounts of RAM. These ...
GraphMan's user avatar
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How to run GrammarApply offline?

It is a question regarding formal grammar. I have a grammar rule addition as below:- ...
H42's user avatar
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How do Cloud Credits work?

How do cloud credits work? In the documentation, it says that CloudDeploy[] uses CloudCredits (
MaxJ's user avatar
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Best Wolfram tool for interactive web-based calculator

A colleague is considering re-implementing this online "Photon Propulsion Calculator" using a Mathematica-based product. I wanted to ask the community which product would be best. WebMathematica ...
ConvexMartian's user avatar
8 votes
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How to correctly CloudDeploy code which contains non-English characters?

As an illustration: CloudDeploy[{"中文"}] will give a url. After open it, I got following on the web page {\:4e2d\:6587} ...
matheorem's user avatar
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Is there a Function like Here or FindGeoLocation[] that pulls GPS from an Android device for Wolfram Cloud deployments?

Neither FindGeoLocation[] nor Here really work when deploying to the cloud for a mobile or browser app. ...
vonkohorn's user avatar
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Deploy an interactive dynamic interface with some complex code behind

This question might have been discussed in bits and pieces already, but I couldn't find a coherent conversation about what are the best practices and strategies for deploying a moderately complex ...
Stitch's user avatar
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Cloud Deploy dynamic country selection from a map

This is a follow-up question based on the answer I got from Lukas Lang. The original question is here. How can I alter the code to deploy it on the cloud? Or in case this method is only for desktop: ...
Tim B's user avatar
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Canonical URL's for deployed notebooks changed?

I'm using the function below to update my notebooks in the cloud. Traditionally it deployed to the following location: I ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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CloudDeploy fails when using WolframAlpha as APIFunction

I am trying to create a Wolfram API that returns, for an input expression, how Wolfram Alpha interprets that input. For example, given the string "1 plus 2", the API should return "1 + 2". Locally, ...
ArVID220u's user avatar
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Implementing Mathematica Machine Learning Algorithm in an HTML-Web Page

I have a Mathematica Neural Network developed in Mathematica 11.2 that I'd like to upload and use on my website. The algorithm takes in images as an input. My website is built with HTML-CSS and Flask. ...
Sham Says's user avatar
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Is there a Cloud equivalent for WithLock or CriticalSection?

I can't find any locking mechanism in Wolfram documentation for independent concurrent processes, which is needed for Cloud-based synchronization. The only ones I can find are for parallel processing ...
G. Shults's user avatar
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APIFunction with TextRecognize problems

I have a simple API that takes a recipe and returns the list of ingredients: ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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PoolingLayer[] doesn't export to cloud anymore

Since last week (?) PoolingLayer[] appears broken when exported to the cloud from my local machine. Lets define two nets, one is a poolingLayer and the other a ...
MaxJ's user avatar
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CloudDeploy does not work with IntervalSlider

I try to deploy the following simple Manipulate: ...
iav's user avatar
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Is it possible to turn "FunctionResource" Notebook into ResourceObject or registered LocalObject without FrontEnd?

TL;DR The problem boils down to how to convert a correctly prepared submission Notebook into a ResourceObject suitable for ...
Alexey Popkov's user avatar
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Creating an online interactive interface

I want to cloud deploy a dynamic interface on which I have multiple types of widgets for different parameters and where, upon the click of a button, I send a list of arguments to a certain function, ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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Displaying tables in FormPage & width control

I've been struggling to make a cloud deployed form whose output is a table of data. Here is a toy example: ...
Gabriel Landi's user avatar
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Different behaviour between local notebook and Cloud deployed Manipulate function

I've been happy with my development in the Wolfram Language but haven't played with deploying manipulatable content before. I've written a rather basic Manipulate ...
BBirdsell's user avatar
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When publishing a notebook on the web, can the download option be suppressed?

In some cases, I'd like to be able to publish visualizations or interactive programs without providing access to the underlying code or proprietary embedded data. It's not clear to me whether ...
John Cromwell's user avatar
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How to deploy a dynamic object using CloudDeploy

I want to deploy a dynamic object by CloudDeploy,which can update by the time interval, i check the help doc and find the method: So i try this method but it seems not work as expected,the displayed ...
Ren Witcher's user avatar
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Clouddeploy and iframes

I am trying to migrate from webMathematica to Mathematica online on my educational website: I ran into the following two problems: 1) Having multiple iframes ...
Samer Adeeb's user avatar
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Cloud hosting of Multiple Choice Test

I am looking to create a very simple quiz but one with a lot of equations. It needs to be hosted in the cloud and students taking said quiz should not need and Wolfram licenses. This seems a ...
user153493's user avatar
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put some function in cloud and execute from any place cellular phone or tablet or laptop

Mostly I would like to have back a small string produced after entering few integers... anyway the functions is: ...
Anxon Pués's user avatar
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Error Message for GrammarRules and GrammarApply

I have been struggling with the following issue regarding an irregularity when deploying and applying GrammarRules. Specifically, it often takes several failed attempts before the execution is ...
Coffee_09's user avatar
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How to allow Image3D to be dragged on Wolfram Cloud?

I have an 3D image as below, and then I deployed it to Cloud with Public permission. However, in the cloud, it is just a "static image", and user can't drag the image interactively (to change the ...
H42's user avatar
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How to use EmbedCode with CloudDeploy correctly?

I ran EmbedCode[CloudDeploy[Manipulate[Plot[Sin[x + c], {x, -6, 6}], {c, -1, 1}]]] based on this instruction and obtained the html code for embedding as below:- <...
H42's user avatar
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RepeatingElement broken for images?

I tried to create a form function to upload and process (in this case just display) several images: ...
MaxJ's user avatar
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Easiest way to get more computing power?

I have a calculation which runs out of memory on my machine (Windows, 8 GB). I have already spent enough time on optimizing my code, now it's time to get some more power. I have read a lot of specific ...
František Kaláb's user avatar
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How do I get public access to a 3D plot in the Wolfram cloud?

When I save a 3D plot to the cloud via: CloudDeploy[Plot3D[Sin[x y], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}], Permissions -> "rx"] It returns a link such as: ...
Dominic's user avatar
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How to create a form that takes user input (e.g., gmail address) and displays a dataset of that user data from Databin

I am trying to deploy a form where a user can enter their information such as their ID or any identifier only pertaining to them and then view the corresponding contents formatted as a dataset. A ...
John's user avatar
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Why is this animation choppy only as a cloud notebook?

Main question The following animation runs smoothly in my Wolfram Desktop. However, it's extremely choppy in the cloud notebook I published it to. I tested it in Firefox and Safari, and it's choppy ...
Jonah's user avatar
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Can I choose a Cloud Kernel Version to run my code? (DatePlus broken case)

One of my APIs suddenly broke, and I discovered that if I evaluate ...
Murta's user avatar
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Using DynamicModule with EventHandler in the Cloud

I am trying to write a nice little program to help me and colleagues draw outlines of objects in images I came up with the following code which allowed me to click and hold down the primary mouse ...
MaxJ's user avatar
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FormFunction output automatic download

I want to create a FormFunction that takes in a CSV file, applies some operations on the data and outputs another CSV file. I would like for the ouput CSV file to be automatically downloaded. I have a ...
Gabriel Landi's user avatar
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how do I embed a Manipulate expression into my personal website

I have a number of Manipulate[...] codes that I like to embed to my personal website. But I face a problem. Here is a simple example of what I do (my ...
Tugrul Temel's user avatar
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how to use EmbedCode[CloudDeploy[Manipulate[...]]]

This is a question about EmbedCode[CloudDeploy[...]]. I have seen various questions and answers about the similar questions, but none of them helped me in embedding ...
Tugrul Temel's user avatar
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NotebookEvaluate via URL - or Google Drive format

Is there an option or other method to run EvaluateNotebook for remote notebooks, ie EvaluateNotebook[url-to-notebook] in other words evaluate remote notebooks in ...
alancalvitti's user avatar
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Notebook ran as batch and CloudDeploy

i am new to mathematica, and i am trying to run a notebook as batch job(i will elaborate on this later). According to the documentation, running mathematica from command line using the -script ...
spiritBreaker's user avatar
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How to filter data?

I work with this dataset: ...
Michiel van Mens's user avatar
1 vote
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How to download a cloud deployed APIFunction including dependent definitions?

I want to download a cloud APIFunction, but I don't get dependent functions back. I tried deploying this function ...
Henrik Nielsen's user avatar
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How maximaze very complex problem in a few hours using some server?

I need to execute a code that runs a maximize function built-in function with symbolic variables. The problem is that my computer has not enough memory (has 4 GB of ...
alessandro308's user avatar
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EmbedCode not evaluating a list of Manipulates

I have created a simple FormPage that asks for some user input, and should display a list of manipulates which are influenced by the given input. I use EmbedCode to display my results. The code I used ...
user3423641's user avatar
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How to get user input using FormPage

I am designing a user interface for a word-ladder game using CloudDeploy, CloudExpression and FormPage and I am having trouble with receiving the user input from the form. What I basically need is a ...
Alderson's user avatar
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FormFunction output not working

Following is my form function: ...
Parth Raghav's user avatar
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CloudDeploy function returning error

I've created a very simple API that imports the "Plaintext" of a URL or a PDF. Here is my code: ...
MSC02476's user avatar
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How to define a required element inside a CompoundElement for a FormFunction?

For example, in the following form: ...
JuanG970's user avatar
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`Deploy` doesn't seem to work on cloud

In the notebook interface Deploy prevents the orange frame of a Graphics object from showing, but this doesn't work on the web. ...
JEM_Mosig's user avatar
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Instant API and cloud deploy not updating correctly

I set up an API and cloud deployed it to get the current weather in my city with ...
Mike's user avatar
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Create a multiline description of a formpage?

I am currently making a formpage with a very long description. And I'd like to structure the description. However I can't put in line breakes like \n. It worked fine on the formpage but when cloud-...
NumericPrime's user avatar