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Computing an exact range with FunctionRange

When using FunctionRange to compute the range of the two-argument ArcTan function, Mathematica fails to return an exact answer. ...
Glenn Welch's user avatar
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How can I ask Mathematica to give the explicit real form of the given function?

In part of my calculations, I obtain this expression which contains the imaginary unit I but I expect that this expression might be real (from the comments below, ...
MsMath's user avatar
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How to ask Mathematica to rewrite the larger arguments of sine function as a smaller number which is multiple of $\frac{2\pi a}{11}$

I have a trigonometric function $Exp$ where $\{f,g,h,k\}$ are some parametric functions, and $a\in\mathbb{N}$ and $x>0$. $$ Exp=f \cdot \sin \left(\frac{58 \pi a}{11}+x\right)+g\cdot \sin \left(\...
charmin's user avatar
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Mathematica gives an unexpected answer for Integrate [closed]

I need to integrate the following: \begin{equation}\tag{1} \frac{\sqrt{C + (1 - C) x^3}}{x}, \end{equation} where $0 < C < 1$ and $x$ is a positive variable (then $x^3 \ge 0$). When I integrate:...
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