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10 votes
3 answers

Convert four bytes to IEEE 754 float

I have some bytes, say bytes=ByteArray@{189,178,61,188}, read from a file with Import[...,"Byte"]. The big endian ...
Adam's user avatar
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Real to IEEE 754 not working for values -1<x<1

I have written a Module that takes a real number and returns the IEEE 754 floating point binary equivalent. It works fine for values above |1|, but I cannot get it to work for inputs less than |1|. <...
J0ta's user avatar
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Converting Binary Values to Points [closed]

I searched a lot for this question but couldn't find a similar question. How can I convert my binary values to points. The output of the code I wrote is below, I wrote my expectation also below. ...
drorhun's user avatar
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How do I get 3 digits binary after calling BaseForm or IntegerDigits [duplicate]

Let's say I have a list called 'solution', I'm converting these numbers into binary form ...
drorhun's user avatar
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7 votes
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Convert ByteArray to integer and real values

during the import of a complex file format I handle ByteArray or lists of byte values. While I can easy transform them from one type to each other: ...
Tschibi's user avatar
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Decoding GZIP encoded Body, BodyBytes (ByteArray) and BodyBytesArray from URLRead

When calling the Stack Exchange API v2.2 using the new (Mma11) function URLRead we get a GZIP encoded Body in alternative formats: ...
rhermans's user avatar
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Conversion of binary matrix of mlf into multilinear function, any ready function for this?

I convert here only one term $x_1x_3x_7$ from the binary matrix by first getting the reversed binary 1010001 and then miggling with the data. I know I could convert the columns into binaries and then ...
hhh's user avatar
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Command to change binary mlf terms into Subscripted mlf terms?

I express multilinear functions in the following format. Is there any ready command to convert them to multilinear functions easily? Input ...
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