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4 votes
2 answers

Plotting a complicated 3D wave on the surface of a sphere [duplicate]

Suppose you have a vectorial wave described by a complicated function of time and cartesian coordinates $t$, $x$, $y$ $z$ (very simple example below) : ...
Cham's user avatar
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DensityPlot on spherical surface? [duplicate]

I just checked this example Construct a Globe Showing All Weather Stations. It looks good, but I would like to add a density plot of the stations on the spherical surface. This can be done with the ...
saturasl's user avatar
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Plotting a distribution of charge into a sphere? [duplicate]

I have defined a function $\sigma(\theta, \phi)$ (With the same angles defined by spherical coordenates) for the induced charge on a sphere with constant radius $R$, but my problem lies that I dont ...
Mauricio's user avatar
46 votes
8 answers

How to plot contours on the faces of a cube?

I'm trying to plot contours of a function f[x,y,z] on the faces of a cube as the example below, which represents the domain of this function. Is there a way to do ...
RaphaelDavid's user avatar
39 votes
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How to draw Fractal images of iteration functions on the Riemann sphere?

Prof. McClure, in the work "M. McClure, Newton's method for complex polynomials. A preprint version of a “Mathematical graphics” column from Mathematica in Education and Research, pp. 1–15 (2006)", ...
Faz's user avatar
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23 votes
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Spherical density plot of data set

I have a somewhat large number of 3-dimensional unit vectors ( ~ 100 000 unit vectors), and I am trying to visualize their distribution. First thing I tried was ...
a06e's user avatar
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Showing a rectangular plot on an almost-closed sphere

I am currently teaching some students about the "point at infinity", and how it allows us to treat circles and lines as "the same", etc. I would like to kind of show this happening with a series of ...
Steve D's user avatar
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19 votes
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Texture mapping and resizing a sphere primitive in Mathematica

Background Info In Mathematica, it's only possible to texture map a sphere through the use of SphericalPlot3D or ...
Mike Bailey's user avatar
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Compatibility issues with an old package

I am trying to use the SphericalDensityPlot3D function that is defined here: Spherical Density Plot 3D. However, when I run all the contents of the mathematica ...
AG1123's user avatar
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How to plot spherical harmonics using two primary colors?

I did go through Density plot on the surface of sphere where great examples are provided. What I am very much interested is in plotting spherical harmonics (real/imaginary or lets say just the assoc. ...
Donald Obama's user avatar
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Integration of angular distribution along cartesian axis

I am plotting an anisotropy distribution function as color coding on the surface of a unit sphere with this code: ...
Ole's user avatar
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Contour plotting temperature data on a hemisphere or circle

(edited question:) I solved the Laplace equation(PDE) in spherical coordinates (in my problem temperature is steady and it is azimuthal(θ) symmetric, so my data is ...
pccity's user avatar
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How to add a Bar Legend to a density plot over the surface of a sphere?

I have a function with variables (theta,phi) the spherical coordinates. I want to represent it as a density plot over the surface of a sphere. following an answer to a previous question Density ...
Popeye's user avatar
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Plotting functions on surfaces

So I have a 2D surface which can be parameterized by a vector $X(u1,u2)$ which I am plotting with ParametricPlot3D[X, {u1,...}, {u2,...}] I have a scalar function, ...
Sami's user avatar
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Why does one of my sliders have no effect? [closed]

From Density plot on the surface of sphere ...
ChrisJJ's user avatar
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