Linked Questions

5 votes
1 answer

How to plot on a curved plane? [duplicate]

I'm ploting the phase space of a pendulum problem using a symplectic Euler scheme. $\qquad H = \frac{1}{2}p^2 - \cos q$, where $\dot{p}=-\sin q$ and $\dot{q}=p$ ...
Gvxfjørt's user avatar
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23 votes
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Basins of Attraction

How does one shade the basin(s) of attraction of a phase plot in Mathematica? I have been trying to do this using the system $$\begin{align*} \dot x &= y\\ \dot y &= -9\sin(x) - 0.20y \end{...
Gregory Lane's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Mapping StreamPlot onto spherical surfaces

Suppose I have some vector field equations $(f(\theta,\phi), g(\theta,\phi))$. The StreamPlot can be created easily in 2D, but I would like to visualize the stream ...
unsym's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to add texture to solid Graphics3D object such as cylinder?

I'd like to add texture to a Cylinder inside Graphics3D. I can't see how to use FaceForm and ...
Nasser's user avatar
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Is there a Mathematica version of ODE tools pplane and dfield?

The toolkits dfield and pplane are staples in ODE courses. First in MATLAB, now in Java. Do they have a Mathematica expression? Sample outputs follow: @Michael E2 Your suggestions were great. Here ...
dantopa's user avatar
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Draw phase portrait with StreamPlot on a sphere [closed]

I would like to draw this phase portrait using StreamPlot on sphere as in this picture like that In fact, i have seen this for the classical pendulum defined by ...
Hariz Khaled's user avatar
4 votes
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plot of phase on cylinder

I have a data including the function theta as a function of x ranging from 0 to pi and the function theta ranges from -pi to pi or from 0 to 2pi: I would like to plot this function something like ...
Lee's user avatar
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3 votes
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Plotting a vector field on a cylinder

Assume a parametric equation for a cylinder $$\mathrm{cyl} (\theta, z) = (r \cos\theta, r \sin\theta,z)$$ and a vector field given by $$\mathrm{vecField} (\theta, z)=\frac{\sin(\alpha)}{r}\partial_\...
PhyGeom's user avatar
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2 votes
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The vectorfield for nonauntonomous system?

The model is a nonautonomous system $x'=(2+cos(2 π t))x -0.5 x^2-0.5$ and it can be transformed to the autonomous form by ...
keanhy14's user avatar
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Mapping two textures over a 3D surface

I would like to show the current distribution in a thin cylinder in 3D. The figure below shows the open cylinder. I am trying to use that figure as a texture in a 3D plot inspired by this answer. <...
Pedro H. N. Vieira's user avatar
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streamplot for differntial equation

how I can use StreamPlot or VectorPlot to show x[t] and 1-x[t] and show convergence point in my plot with a different colour like a blue point? ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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