Linked Questions

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Can I take the Fourier transform of a PDE in both sides? [duplicate]

I want to know if it is possible to use a PDE in the function FourierTransform instead of a function. Consider for example the simple case for the heat equation ...
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FourierTransform a differental-equations [duplicate]

I want to use the command FourierTransform to transform a differential equations from time - domain to complex frequency domain but it don't works. My code is ...
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How do I let Fourier Transform know that it is a linear operator? [duplicate]

I have the following issue with FourierTransform, Fourier transform doesn't seem to know it is a linear operator. ...
fred's user avatar
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Fourier transform of an equation [duplicate]

I have the following equation: $$m \frac{d^2 x}{dt^2} = -Kx - \alpha \frac{dx}{dt} + f(t) $$ Which I introduced into Mathematica as: ...
S -'s user avatar
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Numerically solve the initial value problem for the 1-D wave equation

I want to solve the standard 1-dimensional wave equation $y_{xx}=y_{tt}$ using NDSolve (for $y(x,t)$) with the following conditions: ...
arcbloom's user avatar
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Bilateral Laplace Transform

I am trying to solve a linear ODE for a Kolmogorov forward equation to get a stationary distribution of a random variable. The easiest approach may be to transform the ODE with a two-sided Laplace ...
jlperla's user avatar
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Obtaining the Fourier transform of an operator

We know that if we have a function $f(x)$, and we call $g(\omega)$ its Fourier transform, then the Fourier transform of $x f(x)$ is $$\imath \frac{\mathrm{d} g(\omega))}{\mathrm{d}\omega} $$ and ...
andrea's user avatar
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Prove linearity of integration [duplicate]

I'd like to prove the linearity of integration over one real variable ($x$). Integrate[f[x] + b g[x], x] == Integrate[f[x],x] + b Integrate[g[x],x] which I was ...
David G. Stork's user avatar
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Problems with DSolve and NDSolve for Dirichlet problem on an annulus

To solve the Dirichlet problem on an annulus, I do the following in 12.2 on Windows 10 Pro ...
user64494's user avatar
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Solving the heat equation on the semi-infinite rod

Cross posted in scicomp.SE. I want to test the solution which is given below is right by Mathematica. Please look the post in mathstackexhange or Please look below. Question: Solve the ...
HD239's user avatar
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Solve PDE with DiracDelta function

This question is related to Analytic solution of dynamic Euler–Bernoulli beam equation with compatibility condition. I think it is more appropriate to open another question on this topic. In the ...
Kattern's user avatar
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Possible bug with FourierTransform linearity

Each component is easily transformed but the sum is not: FourierTransform[f''[x], x, k] FourierTransform[f'[x], x, k] ...
Kuba's user avatar
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LaplaceTransform works well with x[t], but doesn't recognize x[1][t], how to make it works for x[1][t]?

Bug introduced in 12.2(?), persisting through 14.0 or later. When I am solving odes using LaplaceTransform, I found that LaplaceTransform works well with u[t] or y[...
xinxin guo's user avatar
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Derivative of real antisymmetric matrix in mathematica

Is it possible to find the derivative of components of a real antisymmetric matrix using index notation? Eg: I have a very large real antisymmetric matrix. Then from Matrix Cookbook, we know the ...
Jasmine's user avatar
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How to make an organised investigation of branch cuts from a solution to a differential equation

I am attempting to solve two differential equations. The solution gives equations that have branch cuts. I need to choose appropriate branch cuts for my boundary conditions. How do I find the correct ...
Hugh's user avatar
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How to implement the finiteness condition for a PDE?

I have a PDE $$u_t=u_{yy}+u_{zz}$$ subject to the following initial and boundary conditions $$u(y=0,z>0,t>0)=1,$$ $$u(y=0,z<0,t>0)=0,$$ $$u(y=10,z,t>0)=0,$$ $$u(y,z=\pm10,t)\,\, \...
zhk's user avatar
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GreenFunction Computation for perturbed Laplacian

I am happy computing the Green function for the Laplacian Gsol := GreenFunction[{-Laplacian[u[x, y], {x, y}]}, u[x, y], {x, y} ∈ FullRegion[2], {m, n}] it gives ...
jcm's user avatar
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unknown cause of scaling factors in NDSolve solutions to a partial differential equation

I am trying to solve a coupled diffusion partial differential equation with a Gaussian profile at t = 0. I would like to see how the two functions, y and z, evolve in time and in one dimension. This ...
BeauGeste's user avatar
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Nice output for FourierTransform

I want to demonstrate FourierTransform in a lecture. However if you give FourierTransform a differential equation it does not ...
Hugh's user avatar
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Difference between FourierTransform and LaplaceTransform [duplicate]

There is an equation for example: eqn=D[c[x, t], t] == d D[c[x, t], x, x]; When I make a LaplaceTransform of it: ...
helloworldzcp's user avatar
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Is there an option for InverseLaplaceTransform to make Mathematica use the convolution theorem when feasible?

By default, it appears that Mathematica won't use the convolution theorem to write an inverse Laplace transform in the form of a convolution of two functions. For example, ...
Matt's user avatar
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For Fourier Transform with $ x(t) $, how to obtain result in terms of $ X(f) $?

I have a function $ x(t) $ and I denoted its Fourier transformation as $ X(f) $. I want to get the Fourier transformation of $ x(t)\mathrm e^{2\mathrm i \pi f_0 t} $, and I know the result is $ X(f-...
H42's user avatar
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Collect terms in Fourier Transform

I want to collect terms in x from a product of polynomials and Fourier transform. So I try following code: ...
Sandals's user avatar
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Why this Solve cannot be solved [duplicate]

Solve[Sum[p*a[i], {i, 1, n}] == 0, p, Reals] Solve[p*Sum[a[i], {i, 1, n}] == 0, p, Reals] The first line of code cannot be solved, but when the variable ...
Yilin Cheng's user avatar