Linked Questions

215 votes
26 answers

What are some useful, undocumented Mathematica functions?

There have already been some questions about some undocumented functionality in Mathematica. Such as (please add to these lists!) How can one find undocumented options or option values in Mathematica?...
33 votes
7 answers

How to Derive Tuples Without Replacement

Given a couple of lists like a={1,2,3,4,6} and b={2,3,4,6,9} I can use the built-in Mathematica symbol ...
Sinistar's user avatar
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9 votes
7 answers

What is the inverse of CoefficientList?

I have numbers in vector notation. I need to get polynomial notation from them. My numbers are {0, 1, 23, 5, 15, 0, 0, 0}. I want to get $x + 23x^2 + 5x^3 + 15x^4$...
Serkan's user avatar
  • 183
14 votes
7 answers

Find and highlight sequence patterns in a list

Again, I have a list like this: ...
holistic's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to flatten a linked list with lists as values?

By following the advice on this site I have ended up with a linked list like the following: acc = {{1, 2}, {{2, 3}, {{3, 4}, {{4, 5}, {{5, 6}, {}}}}}}; This was ...
Shredderroy's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

Partitioning an integer into $k$ equal parts

Say I have an integer $M$. Is there a one-line command to create a partition of $M$ into $k$ integers s.t. the difference between any two integers is as small as possible? For example, with $M = ...
Quantized's user avatar
  • 153
7 votes
11 answers

Convert list of lists to cumulative join

I have this: list[1]={1,2,3}; list[2]={7,8,9}; list[3]={15,20,22}; I want this: ...
Toph's user avatar
  • 179
10 votes
5 answers

Finding time-series direction reversal of certain magnitude

I'd like to find the points of a time-series that are a certain distance away (in value, not in time) from the previous maximum, which I consider a reversal. For example, for ...
Meh's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Construct an infix operation from a list

Inspired by this question, if I have a list {a, p, b, q, c} where p and q are binary ...
rcollyer's user avatar
  • 34.1k
9 votes
3 answers

How to make a ReplaceAll Rule for adjacent items in a list?

I would like to make only one pass of a list of 2D items and replace adjacent items that have matching $x$ or $y$ coordinates with a series of linearly interpolated points between the two points. My ...
Edmund's user avatar
  • 43.1k
8 votes
3 answers

How do I achieve the function of Continue using Catch and Throw?

Procedural programming is considered a bad practice in writing Mathematica code. But for education's sake, is there any way I can do Continue using Catch and Throw? According to WRI's documentation, ...
btwiuse's user avatar
  • 567
13 votes
1 answer

Compose many Geometric Transformations for 3D Graphics

I'm struggling to understand what would be a good way to compose several geometrical transformations to create a single TransformationFunction to be applied to a <...
rhermans's user avatar
  • 37k
15 votes
2 answers

Globally loading packages while using a CellGroup as the default context

I have a notebook I wish to set up where the sections are conceptually related to each other. But, I wish to isolate them from each other programmatically, so that they do not interfere with one ...
rcollyer's user avatar
  • 34.1k
6 votes
4 answers

How can I get a list of the positions of the running minima in a list?

I want the positions of the (sequential) running minima in a list, that is, the positions of entries that have the minimum value of all the elements in that list, up to and including that entry. For ...
Geoffrey Critzer's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

mixing color of individual parts of a function in DensityPlot

I have a function which is a sum of three terms and I want to plot it in a DensityPlot. However, I would like that the ColorFunction would be the RGBColor resulting of the mixed R color corresponding ...
José Antonio Díaz Navas's user avatar

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