Linked Questions

131 votes
3 answers

Is there an open source implementation of Mathematica-the-language?

I've seen questions before such as "What is the best open-source equivalent for Mathematica?", but that specific question (and that line of inquiry in general) cares more about the computer algebra ...
sblom's user avatar
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95 votes
2 answers

Open-source IntelliJ IDEA plugin to support Mathematica development

Although we already had a question asking for development alternatives to Wolfram Workbench, I want to ask a more specific question: One of the most advanced IDE's especially for Java programming ...
halirutan's user avatar
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35 votes
8 answers

Wolfram Workbench - Mathematica Development Alternatives

Are there any alternatives (IDE or other workflow) to Wolfram Workbench for development and debugging? Elaboration: An open source alternative.
EmpireJones's user avatar
32 votes
3 answers

What are the advantages of using .nb rather than .m files?

I can edit a notebook within the mathematica front end and then Save As a .m file, which produces output like this: ...
Ubiquitous's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

Debugging Mathematica Code

In various integrated development environments, such as Microsoft Visual Studio, there is an integrated debugger where you can step through code sections, examine the state of variables and figure out ...
s0rce's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

Mathematica as a normal programming language

I'm interested in Mathematica's core language for both practical development and as an object of computer science study. Actually, the former is more of a means to the latter. I would like to create ...
jonvuri's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Converting a notebook to plain text programmatically

It is possible to export a notebook to plain text format (practically just extracting all the text from it and discarding formatting) using the File -> Save As......
Szabolcs's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Automatic Text Adjustment

Continuing the theme of minor interface annoyances, one of the unique features of Mathematica as a text editor is the automatic adjustment of text location as you type. This could be a bit ...
Moshe's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Displaying index as subscript on output: e.g. C[i] -> C_i with Notation[...] or Interpretation[..]?

You have all convinced me not to type in formulas with subscripts. However, in order to be able to match the subscripts in my whiteboard math, I figure a 2nd best solution is to want to display ...
jlperla's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Tips to write more readable code [closed]

What are some tips to write a more readable code? For example in C, tab is your friend. You can also declare variables in a way such that you can read the code easily later on. In Mathematica, if ...
gurluk's user avatar
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