Linked Questions

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How to fit multiple Gaussian peaks to data [duplicate]

How would I fit this data with Gaussian Peaks? I have tried various codes but none have even worked. Note: If I do Log[data], the peaks are more visible (I have tried the method from here but it got ...
minusatwelfth's user avatar
79 votes
5 answers

How to find all the local minima/maxima in a range

I want to find : all local maxima in range all local minima in range From those points I can interpolate and combine functions upper and lower boundary. What I am really interested in, is the mean ...
Margus's user avatar
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Fittting data with combination of an unknown number of Gaussians

I have data that I want to fit with a constant plus a combination of Gaussians, with their actual number being one parameter of the fit (besides the average and the variance of every one of them). ...
psmith's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to do deconvolution in spectrum with some peaks?

For example, I have the next spectrum: I've seen the next question ["How to perform a multi-peak fitting?"][2] but not answer to my question. I want deconvolution the spectrum to obtain three peaks (...
Manu's user avatar
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6 votes
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Multi-peak fitting for peak position

I have a {x,f} data-set featuring multiple peaks. The peaks evolve with a second variable y. I would like to fit the multiple ...
sole's user avatar
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Approximate strictly positive solution to a linear set of equations?

Consider a positive matrix M and a positive vector b, e.g. ...
Kagaratsch's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How do I generate a table of data points from a function and add random noise? [duplicate]

I am trying to generate a table of data for the function: ...
user7891's user avatar
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Defining a function as a sum of several Gaussians

I have a function that is a summation of several Gaussians. Working with a 1D Gaussian here, there are 3 variables for each Gaussian: A, ...
dr.blochwave's user avatar
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Solving Fredholm Equation of the first kind [duplicate]

I want to numerically solve Fredholm integral equations of the first kind, equations of the form $$g(t)=\int_a^b K(t,s)f(s)\,\mathrm{d}s$$ where we know the functions $K(t,s)$ and $g(t)$ and seek to ...
Gareth's user avatar
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Fitting a Multi-Exponential Decay With Constraints

I am having trouble finding a way to fit my data in Mathematica to a multi-exponential decay, with the critical condition that all contributions to the decay sum to 1. To start, I can fit my data to ...
user1202297's user avatar
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TargetFunctions option in FindDistribution yields error

I have some data set that I am trying to find the maximums . I figured I could do this by fitting the many peaks of the dataset to Gaussian distributions and then finding the peaks of this data from ...
Daniel Schulze's user avatar
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Multi-peak fitting and area of the fitting

I am trying to fit 3 peaks to the following data: which plotted using ListPlot[data, PlotRange -> {{50, 110}, {0.1, All}}] gives: ...
John's user avatar
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How to do a fit on multiple peak with a voigt function

I looked a lot on the other questions to do that but I can't find a way to do it properly. So here is my question. I have a spectrum of OH and I would like to do a voigt fit on every peak it has to be ...
Francis Labelle's user avatar
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Curve fitting with variable number of Gaussian curve

I have the data which appears like And I decided to use three Gaussian curves to fit it. (This code allows me to manipulate all three curves and put in best guesses for peak positions. Using these ...
chika's user avatar
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FindFit problem, some models work -- and some do not

I asked this question. Answers and comments were appreciated. But (some) of the comments did not make satisfied. [Maybe due to my bad English I did not describe my problem very well]. Let me try ...
Hussain-Alqatari's user avatar
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Fitting multiple peaks

I am using the code found here to fit multiple peaks of a large dataset which I don't know anything about. This was the only code I could find on the internet to do such a thing. So this is my attempt ...
minusatwelfth's user avatar
2 votes
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Still more problems with Fitting, please help

I'm in a little over my head here and I'm fully aware of it, so I'm hoping for some help. I've been assigned to a project where I am given data: (Example Data) I then ...
RNPF's user avatar
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Multi-peak fitting

I am starting, and still learning with Mathematica. I really wonder how to solve my problem : I have a broad peak composed by two peaks actually, and I would like to separate them. Data come from an ...
L. Chassou's user avatar
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Fitting a sum of three lorentzian based on a dataset

as you can see below, I have developed a code that allows me to fit the present dataset via a Lorentzian. Now what I should do is to develop a sum of three Lorentzians based on this model so that this ...
Albano Tabacchi's user avatar
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Algorithm to switch from one to two gaussian fit

I have a big dataset that I have to fit with one or two gaussians. This dataset represents the evolution of a population in two different population as a function of time. That means that at same ...
Clarine's user avatar
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Find elementary function that fits the data

I have the following data, i.e. a list of points: ...
Gauss the Mauss's user avatar
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Simultaneous Peak and Background Fit

I'm not sure if this is the proper way to do this, but I have a question related to another open question of mine. In this post, I'm looking at analyzing some quantum dot UV-Vis absorbance spectra (...
BesselFunct's user avatar
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How to perform a 2D-multi-peak fitting?

I am wondering how to decompose the data[x,y] into several elliptic-shaped functions, i.e. $f[x,y]=\frac{H}{(1+(\frac{x-x1}{a1})^2+(\frac{y-y1}{b1})^2)^{3/2}}$. I could follow in 1D case, ...
Ui-Jin Kwon's user avatar