Linked Questions

7 votes
3 answers

Save and call matrices with large output in Mathematica [duplicate]

If we have the large matrix A=RandomReal[{-10, 10}, {1000, 1000}]; and I need it for further calculation, how can I save it on hard disk and then call for ...
George Mills's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to export/import function values [duplicate]

I have a function with two variables: f[x_,y_]:=f[x,y] = ... I calculated some values (they are fractions like 435345345/3424242424) and would like to store the ...
user5988's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can an Interpolation function be 'saved'? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Save interpolated function I am importing tables with sizes of 100k - 500k rows and 4 columns. The larger the table, the slower my Mathematica runs for all computations after ...
BeauGeste's user avatar
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2 answers

How to store an InterpolatingFunction? [duplicate]

Assume I have obtained an InterpolatingFunction, say, as the result of solving of a differential equation, say, this one: ...
Alexei Boulbitch's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to store a SparseArray? [duplicate]

How to Export/Write a SparseArray? How to Import/Read a SparseArray? Is it always stored as a normal array? How can it be stored in a dense form? Is a numerical SparseArray different to Export/Import ...
Hp Radojewski Schäfer Von's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to store the nonzero elements of a sparse array in a file? [duplicate]

Often I need to use same matrix several times and for that I save them in an external file. Converting the matrix into SparseArray can save a lot of space in this ...
Sumit's user avatar
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2 votes
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Export mathematical expressions for further reuse [duplicate]

I am dealing with a program with Mathematica where I compute expressions that take a very long time to compute. I need these results for further computation and/or display. I would like not to have to ...
Thomas921's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Exporting arrays for storage [duplicate]

I have a set of arrays I would like to output to some file ArrayStorage.txt s.t. these arrays could be read-in to a separate notebook on a separate kernel. Is ...
FaintingWater's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to use external Mathematica Code? [duplicate]

I have a Mathematica Notebook with a function that i would like to be able to access from another Notebook without having to have the first Notebook open. The functions calls other functions in the ...
Terry McGovern's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Assign variable's value programmatically [duplicate]

Not easy to explain what I'm looking for, so please sorry if I'm not so short. Having many variables to be managed in several different combinations, I need to automate the assignment of preset ...
bobknight's user avatar
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Transferring a list from one notebook to another [duplicate]

I have Mathematica code split into two notebooks. The first part is supposed to run and output a list of numbers into a text file, using Export. The second part ...
Pavithran Iyer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Saving lengthy calculation results in Mathematica for future use [duplicate]

I've got a really long list that's the result of a complex calculation. I'd like to save it in a way that I can use it again when I start a new session in Mathematica, without having to redo all the ...
hana's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to save a list of analytic expressions in a file? [duplicate]

I use Mathematica to calculate many analytic expressions, some of them are generated by a loop process, the result can be a vector with a index, e.g., f[i]. Now ...
Traceless's user avatar
0 votes
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Exporting large expression [duplicate]

I generated a huge mathematical expression (~200k terms, impossible to simplify yet) and want to save it for later analysis. Last time I did Export to *.nb file and ...
swish's user avatar
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How can I append Mathematica variables to an output file preserving both names and values? [duplicate]

I have a Mathematica program that calculates a series of large vectors that I need to save for future reference (in addition to some scalar values). I want to save all these to a file, tagged by their ...
Tom Dickens's user avatar

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