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11 votes
2 answers

Plotting complex numbers [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Plotting an Argand Diagram How do I plot complex numbers in Mathematica? The following is a part of my data, the eigen values of a 50 by 50 asymmetric matrix: ...
S.Dhar's user avatar
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How do I plot complex numbers as Argand diagram [duplicate]

Given three complex numbers: $a=3+2i=(3,2) $ in $(Re,Im)$ plane. $b=-1-3i=(-1,-3)$ in $(Re,Im)$ plane. $c=a+b=2-i=(2,-1)$ in $(Re,Im)$ plane. Now, I want to plot these three complex numbers like ...
Noodle's user avatar
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Plotting region $f(S)$ for given complex function $f$ and $S \subseteq \mathbb{C}$ [duplicate]

I have a function $f: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ and I want to be able to see the effect of $f$ on any particular region of $\mathbb{C}$ e.g. what happens to the unit disk under this ...
smilingbuddha's user avatar
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Plotting a list of complex numbers on an argand diagram [duplicate]

I have the following f[z_] = 1/(z + I) Table[{f[z]}, {z, -10, 10}] This produces a list of complex numbers. Is there a way to plot this as a list plot perhaps. ...
NumberCruncher's user avatar
1 vote
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Image of the horizontal lines in the upper half plane under $f(z)=\frac{i-z}{i+z}$? [duplicate]

I would like to visualize the complex function $f(z)=\dfrac{i-z}{i+z}$ by plotting the images of different horizontal lines in the upper half plane under this map. With the following code ...
user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Image of first quadrant under $f(z)=(z+i)/(z-i)$

I'm able to plot the region where Im[z] > 0 and Re[z] > 0: ...
David's user avatar
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Schwarz-Christoffel maps from unit disk to regular polygons visualization

The function $$F(z)=\int_0^{z}(1-\zeta^n)^{-\frac{2}{n}}d\zeta$$ maps the open unit disk $\Bbb{D}=\{z\in\Bbb{C} : |z|\lt 1\}$ conformally on to the interior of a regular polygon with $n$ sides. How ...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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Plotting solutions of a 4th order polynomial equation

I have a polynomial equation of the fourth order, which has $4$ roots depending on a variable parameter s1. For each s1 I have $...
Pipe's user avatar
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3 votes
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Plotting Complex Numbers as "Arrows" on the Complex Plane

Given the following complex numbers (defined as the values of two functions f and g defined only on the points ...
George's user avatar
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6 votes
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Complex map of $W(z^2)W( \frac{1}{z})$

I am trying to plot the function$$W(z^2)W\left(\dfrac{1}{z}\right)$$ in Desmos 3D, where $W(z)$ is the product log function and $z=x+iy$. You can check out my related Math.SE question here. When I ...
CrSb0001's user avatar
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Image of the unit circle under a complex rational function

Let $$f(z)=\dfrac{z(z-a)}{(z-b)(z-c)(z-d)}$$ be a complex rational function with distinct non zero complex numbers $a,b,c$ and $d.$ I need to plot the image of the unit circle $S=\{z\in\mathbb{C} : ...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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Plot[f,{x,xmin,xmax] is resulting in an empty graph

I am trying to plot this function (FvD) with respect to x. It results in an empty graph. ...
Askild's user avatar
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Plotting a complex function under transformation

I am trying to plot the unit circle $\vert z\vert=1$ under the transformation $z\to z+\frac1z$ using mathematica. In general I want to plot a complex function $f(z)$ under the transformation $\phi(z)$....
DMH16's user avatar
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How plot this list in ytg[y,t] axes

I have a list of complex numbers in the form of g[y,t] such that {y,0,1, .1},{t, 0,1, .1}. How can I plot this list in ytg[y,t] axes ...
user68119's user avatar