Linked Questions

4 votes
2 answers

How to declare a variable with subscript being numbers? [duplicate]

everyone! I hope to declare a variable with subscript as numbers, for example, $x_{10}$, $x_{11}$, $x_{01}$ as variables. Is it possible in mathematica? If so, how to implement it so that it treats $...
Ka Wa Yip's user avatar
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Function definition with sub (super) cripted variables [duplicate]

I like using subscripts a lot. However, it is regrettably not possible to do, for example: myfunction[Subscript[x,1]_] := Subscript[x,1] +1 where instead of the ...
Patrick.B's user avatar
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How to make Mathematica treat Subscript[x, j] as a standalone variable? [duplicate]

When i use Replace[] or /., I find that Mathematica does not treat $x_{j}$(Subscript[x, j]) ...
Aerterliusi's user avatar
55 votes
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Can we use letter with a subscript as a variable in Mathematica?

I tried Subscript[a, 0] = 1 (* 1 *) Clear[Subscript[a, 0]] ...
Osiris Xu's user avatar
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How make D[f,x] treat OverBar[x] as a constant

I have an expression of the form f = a*x +OverBar[x], where OverBar[x] is just a name, it has not much to do with the variable x. I want ...
Physics_maths's user avatar
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1 answer

Converting the subscript of matrix name to a variable

I want to change indices of matrix name during loop for creating different matrices. For example; ...
tolga08's user avatar
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About Symbolize and Variables

I do believe this sort of similar questions had been asked many times, so I have read a LOT. For example this and this as well as many other related posts. But a glance at what my main question is ...
Chen Stats Yu's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Making subscripts with variable

How do I make a variable $k_{1x}$ where the $x$ is just a label to denote the magnitude along the x-axis and not an actual defined variable x in the code? Similarly, if I wanted to make $E_x$ or $E_{...
Nisha Mariam Johnson's user avatar
1 vote
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Integrated Solution Graphics [closed]

I want to draw this nonlinear differantial equation' graphic with other solving equation (in same graphic). ...
Gence Deveci's user avatar
0 votes
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Using sub-scripted variables in functions

Is it possible to use subscripts in Mathematica functions, for example f[Subscript[x, a] _] := x^2 However this doesn't seem to work, is there a way to allow ...
user27119's user avatar
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Syntax question for declaring variables [duplicate]

I have a very basic syntax question for declaring $X_{hb}$ a variable. f[Subscript[X, hb_]] := Subscript[X, hb] In mathematica instead of writing the ...
Ozera's user avatar
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