Code fragments below
buildDateChoices[datenums : {{_Integer, _Integer, _Integer} ..}] :=GroupBy[datenums, {First -> Rest, First -> Last}]
getMonthsX[y_Integer] := Keys@Lookup[datechoiceset, y, {1}];
getDaysX[y_Integer, m_Integer] := Lookup[datechoiceset, y, Range[12]][m];
testdatelist = Sort[{RandomInteger[{2008, 2015}, 25], RandomInteger[{1, 12}, 25], RandomInteger[{1, 30}, 25]}\[Transpose]];
datechoiceset = buildDateChoices[testdatelist]
The individual getMonthsX
, getDayX
function work. But the code below does not.
DialogInput[DynamicModule[{cyear, cmonth, cday, yearlist},
yearlist = Keys@datechoiceset;
getMonths[y_Integer] := Keys@Lookup[datechoiceset, y, {1}];
getDays[y_Integer, m_Integer] := Lookup[Lookup[datechoiceset, y, Range[12]], m, Range[30]];
Column[{TextCell[Style["Choose a File Date ", Blue, Bold, 16]],
TextCell[" "],
Row[{"Year: ", PopupMenu[Dynamic[cyear], yearlist], " Month: ",
PopupMenu[Dynamic[cmonth], Dynamic@getMonths[cyear]]," Day: ",
PopupMenu[Dynamic[cday], Dynamic@getDays[cyear, cmonth]]}],TextCell[" "],
Row[{Button[" Select ", DialogReturn[{cyear, cmonth, cday}]], " ",
I have looked at several related examples on Stack Exchange including Date Picker, I have also tried using the second argument of Dynamic
to set the lists, without success. Any help you could provide would be welcome.